How to Use AI For Ad Targeting, Automation, and Analytics

Trapica Content Team
Published in
7 min readNov 13, 2019
Photo by Franki Chamaki on Unsplash

Have you been hearing everybody talking about artificial intelligence marketing without really understanding what it means and how it works? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. When it comes to marketing automation and all that surrounds it, things can get confusing (especially if you’ve had a full career in the industry without having to worry about clever algorithms and complex tools!)

Today, we’re going to explore artificial intelligence in marketing, the different tools available on the market, and three great examples of how AI can help you. Whether you’re a business hoping to generate brand awareness or a marketing agency trying to keep up with the times and offer clients the best possible service, you’re in the right place.

What’s Artificial Intelligence Marketing?

Artificial intelligence used to be reserved for the high profit mega-corporations. These days, it’s affordable and available to even the smallest businesses in the shape of well-built and well-designed solutions.

AI is sub-field of computer science in which technology acts and reacts just as well as humans. Although we tend to corner AI into single markets, it’s actually a wide umbrella that includes problem solving tools, speech recognition, machine learning, and more. The more we learn about technology, the more uses we find for AI in marketing, and we’re still discovering brilliant features today.

Read More: 7 Reasons AI is a Marketing Manager’s New Best Friend

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

How are we utilizing this clever technology in 2019 and beyond?

  • To learn about our customers and make sense of various data points
  • To optimize digital marketing campaigns (bidding, targeting, audience, etc.)
  • To generate reports and analyze the performance of a specific business area
  • To have conversations with consumers without requiring human employees 24/7

We’re going to focus on ad campaigns and the like in the second half of this guide, so we’ll introduce another example of artificial intelligence first: chatbots. These days, companies need to be “on call” all of the time, and that’s just not humanly possible. If prospective customers are browsing their phones at 2am, they might just think about buying a product…but what if they have a question?

With an AI chatbot, companies can be available at all times and answer the customers’ most common questions. Sure, it might not be as personal in terms of service. However, you might earn a customer that would have resorted to your competitor had the chatbot not jumped into action and helped them make a decision.

Benefits of AI Marketing Tools

Now that we’ve seen how AI is utilized, why should you consider the investment? In the next section, we’ll give you three specific examples. But first, here are just some of the reasons why you might think about AI solutions this year.

Photo by Precondo CA on Unsplash
  • Affordable Investment — As we said at the beginning, artificial intelligence is more affordable nowadays. What’s more, you have a wide selection of brilliant tools in the market at your disposal. So we encourage you to do your research, and see what works best for your business.
  • Optimize Resources — We know you think about and handle your spending carefully. Especially in a competitive market, the last thing you want is to waste money in unnecessary areas. With artificial intelligence optimizing your ad campaigns, you have greater control over spending. But money isn’t the only thing you’ll save. While AI looks after simple tasks, your team allocates more time to focus on the big picture, reducing time wasted on the mundane.
  • Cater to Your Audience — With a better understanding of your customers, you can suddenly address their needs more appropriately. As you discover your niche, there’s an opportunity to reach out not only with products that they need, but with content they’d find valuable too.
  • Improved Scaling — Over the years, one of the hardest challenges for businesses has been scaling. It’s fairly easy to get complacent and dream small, but how do you take those next steps and grow your business to its full potential? Through leveraging AI and optimizing resources, it becomes possible.
  • Reduced Data Errors — Hiring and keeping on employees in your company is a valuable asset, which is why there’s a limit to how much technology can take over your workplace. And yet, human error is a problem that costs billions of dollars every year. If you can reduce this risk with data handling and other tasks, you’ll sidestep a variety of possible landmines.
  • Return on Investment — With all of these benefits underway, you’ll have a clear a path to the ultimate goal: solid ROI. Regardless of whether you use one or multiple AI tools, the boost in efficiency will not be in vain.

Three Great Examples

At this point, we’ll circle back to just the sort of AI marketing tools we recommend. When considering AI solutions, it’s hard to ignore the products offered by Trapica.

1. Targeting Ads

First, the art of targeting ads. How do you know where to send your ad for best results? Sure, you could do everything manually, review the data after a short time, and keep making manual adjustments. However, as you’ve probably guessed this takes a significant amount of time and competitors with better systems will always remain ahead.

Instead, a tool like Trapica allows you to continually optimize your campaign and reach out to the audiences most likely to convert. If you waste too much time on audiences that aren’t performing, your competition will steal business from those highly convertible audiences that could be your customers. It’s time to take control and leverage AI.

2. Marketing Automation

Secondly, automation for all. The need to check your platform every hour just to stay on top of campaigns vanishes. After connecting your accounts and campaigns, simply set parameters and goals and let Trapica do the rest.

What does this mean? Any adjustments that would benefit the campaign will happen automatically. We’ve already seen how this works with targeting, but it’s true of bidding too. In truth, ads systems like Facebook and Google are always changing. What works with bidding on one day might not work the next; there’s always a danger of either overpaying for conversions and wasting the budget OR underpaying and not competing.

Once you’re set up with Trapica, the platform will monitor the environment and what you need to bid in order to gain the leads with the most value. Without any input from yourself (you can set limits so that you aren’t spending silly amounts to appear, of course), bidding is adjusted for you and getting the most bang for your buck is a guarantee.

As Trapica attests on their website: with their software, campaigns become ‘self-optimizing.’ What’s more, marketing automation is available across a variety of platform offerings. You’ll get along with Trapica perfectly if you’re active on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Quora, YouTube, Snapchat, and/or Pinterest.

3. Suggest and Insights

Our final example of AI marketing will focus on two important tools that demonstrate the first two examples.

Firstly, there’s Trapica Suggest which is designed to improve targeting. After typing a keyword or segment into the search box, users are shown insights for keywords that might have a similar audience. Since there’s an overlap, you can try these additional keywords with campaigns for more success.

Alternatively, see how competitors are targeting the audience. Which segments and keywords are they using? If there’s a competitor that does very well in this field, you get the opportunity to learn from them and improve your own marketing efforts.

Trapica Insights is another free tool, one that has received praise from many in the industry. In order to understand user behavior more closely, Insights will show campaign conversions, real-time insights, and more. The data is updated every hour so you’re not looking through outdated information. In this way, decisions you make will always be up to date.

Investing in AI Today

With this, we hope you see why artificial intelligence marketing has been getting so much attention. With marketing automation, chatbots, and several other tools in your business, everybody benefits. You become more efficient as a business, your team has extra time to deal with important tasks, you learn more about your audience, and the customer experience improves too.

In this guide, we’ve concentrated on how AI helps businesses, but we can’t ignore customers. Customers benefit because they can communicate with brands at a time that suits them, and also get exposure to products and brands that they might find useful.

If you want to begin with artificial intelligence in marketing today, we recommend starting with Trapica!

