Branding Strategy 101: How to Scale Your Brand Quickly

Jamie Fisher
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2018

With brands like AirBnB and Instagram enjoying billions of dollars of revenue despite their young age, it can leave many young business owners wondering what they need to do to get some of that momentum. Scaling isn’t easy, but there are a few strategies that can get you moving in the right direction.

Your Consumers’ Voices Matter

Rather than brand advertising, consumers are now listening to their peers and this is thanks to the introduction of social media and advanced mobile devices. As a business, you should be communicating with your customers online and learning what people are saying. Why? Because scaling isn’t led by businesses anymore; it’s led by customers.

Strategy — Respond to and advertise positive customer feedback because this is now a more effective strategy than pushing a message of your own creation.

Online Traffic is Attainable

Before the internet and mobile phones, those who secured prime advertising spots on TV and radio would reign supreme. For everyone else, they would have to suffer in the shadows. Now, we’re in completely different times and any business can get online traffic.

Strategy — Use both social media and targeted digital advertising to pull potential consumers towards your brand.

Investors Aren’t Necessary

Times have changed and there are other ways to obtain capital rather than waiting for venture capital investors. For new businesses, time is of the essence because you can almost guarantee that somebody else has had the same idea as you. Don’t waste time waiting for investors to get your brand out into the world.

Strategy — Utilize crowdfunding, angel investors, and other sources that now exist. If your idea really catches the imagination of consumers, capital could grow very quickly without early investment.

No More ‘Big Brand Advantage’

With platforms like Amazon, even small brands can compete with the bigger names in the industry. Customers can see a number of brands and compare them all in one place; they don’t have to enter a specific physical store.

Strategy — Make use of platforms like Amazon to eliminate the big brand advantage and compete on a level playing field. Everybody is now reachable because the Internet of Things (IoT) keeps us connected.

Precisely Targeted Marketing is Valuable

With your limited time, there are now opportunities to target a niche audience rather than throwing money at a large audience and hoping it will generate a few leads and sales. Across the internet, there are hundreds of fantastic tools that will allow you to target specific groups.

Strategy — We recommend tools like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Depending on the time you have available, you’ll be able to set parameters, collect data based on user activity, and access more customers… specifically the ones that will be interested in your brand.

