8 Reasons Why Marketers Should Adopt Cloud Computing

Stephanie Shoo
Published in
7 min readAug 8, 2019

As marketers, we’ve seen a number of technological trends take over the industry in recent years. In 2019, it’s fair to say that most of the attention is on cloud computing. Have you embraced this technology already?

For those who aren’t quite sure whether to make the jump or perhaps don’t even understand what it is and how it works, we’re going to explain more today. As well as covering the basics, we’ll show you eight reasons why cloud computing makes for a valuable investment.

The Growth of the Cloud — What Is It?

So, first things first, why’s everybody talking about ‘the cloud’? How does it help to scale while also aiding optimization? By completely transforming the way that data is stored, it’s suddenly allowing even the smallest of businesses to compete with larger brands. As we’ll see later, its adoption in the workplace is known to bring improvements in productivity and a streamlined operation as a whole.

In the world of marketing, cloud storage is a great addition to how we operate. However, the cloud has plenty of other uses. For example, it’s required for SaaS (Software as a Service), and this is important for lead tracking and analytics. From a logistics point of view, the cloud is also removing the need for on-site infrastructure. Instead of investing in physical equipment and worrying about storage, everything is done through the cloud.

Today, there are many ways marketers can introduce cloud computing.

Why Adopt Cloud Computing?

1. Scalability

Over the years, one of the biggest problems for businesses has been deciding when to buy extra equipment, hire more staff, and make the jump from a startup to a fully-functioning business. With cloud computing, it’s easier than ever to scale with the marketing department.

When adopting a new solution in the cloud, everything else around it will adapt to its requirements. No more long periods of downtime, no more hassle, the cloud makes it possible to handle effective campaigns no matter how large your business grows — you can scale with ease.

2. Quick Implementation

How quickly can the business respond to the ever-changing needs of the market? This is what marketing is all about, right? Spotting trends and then positioning the business in order to capitalize on them. Without cloud computing, getting the server for a new campaign can cost valuable time. With cloud computing, new applications, servers, and platforms can be started almost instantly — you might even be able to do it without the help of the IT department.

Especially for competitive markets, this value cannot be understated. You can stay ahead of the game and attract those early customers whether it’s with advertising campaigns, social media applications, online games, or mobile websites.

In recent years, we’ve seen many marketing teams enjoy this benefit. They can test applications and products in real-time; testing new concepts has never been easier.

3. Extra Security

So far, we’ve focused on performance and function, but what about security? Well, the cloud will prove a great addition because vital documents and other information will be protected even if the network crashes or there’s an issue with your equipment. Depending on your location, you might be worried about natural disasters. Even if the worst happens, the damage to your marketing operation will be limited.

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4. Testing and Development

Although we touched on it previously, testing and development are much easier with the cloud. With features such as software beta testing, marketers can continually test and provide feedback wherever necessary. As long as you have the individuals in place, this encourages collaboration and optimization.

Suddenly, you don’t have to install, maintain, and update software for every member of the marketing team.

5. Inbound Marketing

In the beginning, we noted the changes to the marketing world over the years. With the addition of the cloud, one of the biggest shifts has been from outbound to inbound marketing.

  • Outbound Marketing — Cold calls, trade shows, advertising, etc
  • Inbound Marketing — Video tutorials, blog posts, social media, eBooks, and other types of valuable content

If we look at YouTube, HubSpot, and Facebook as three examples, these are all cloud-hosted services. For marketers, these have been integral to growth. With YouTube, we can create high-quality content, become more personable as a brand, communicate with customers in the comments, and even address the most commonly-asked questions.

6. Cloud ERP

Remember when it would cost hundreds of thousands just to implement ERP? Remember when it was reserved for only the largest companies? Even after all this investment, failing objectives were common. When looking for improved efficiency, small businesses are now able to turn to ERP systems and we have the cloud to thank for this.

Short for Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP can help a marketing team manage day-to-day activities and automate tasks that were previously taking up valuable time. Regardless of the industry, an ERP system will help to:

  • Unify IT costs
  • Boost efficiency
  • Improve visibility across the business
  • Generate planning and reporting

What’s more, since customer data is streamlined, the client experience improves too. When customer interaction gets better, they’re more likely to stick around. The more customers stay with you, the easier your job becomes with marketing.

7. Marketing Automation and Optimization

If you want to compete in any market, automation will be the key moving forward. If we look at the most successful businesses in today’s world, they don’t waste time on basic tasks. Wherever possible, they automate because this allows them to free time for more important matters. With the cloud, as you’ve probably guessed, this is achievable.

At all times, you can make sure that your business resources are being utilized efficiently. As a marketing individual, you need to ensure that all campaigns are working as expected. In order to do this, all software and applications should run smoothly. With the cloud operating 24/7, updates can be done overnight, and you don’t lose working hours.

Even if you save twenty minutes a day, this will soon add up. Instead of completing basic, tedious tasks, you can focus on what you were hired for in the first place; creative and exciting marketing projects.

8. Other Reasons

Why limit this guide to eight reasons when we can offer plenty more? If you choose to adopt cloud computing, you will also enjoy:

  • Sales cycle management (no more complex spreadsheets to keep track of prospects)
  • Lead tracking (tools like Google Analytics are the obvious solution here)
  • Simple management of backup files, digital assets, website hosting, and more
  • Save money — no need for hardware, insurance, and physical security
  • High performance with fast SSD drives and powerful CPUs

Why Cloud Computing Will Continue to Grow

Now we’ve seen the reasons to choose cloud computing, we want to finish this guide by easing any worries you have about cloud computing being ‘just another trend’. In addition to the benefits we’ve provided already, we believe there are three reasons why cloud computing is here to stay.

Flexibility — Many years ago, working in an office would mean sitting in a cubicle and staring at partitions all day. Now, workspaces are open, and technology also allows us to travel around the country and even the world while still staying in touch with the office.

By using cloud computing, it’s possible to keep up with marketing tasks from a smartphone anywhere in the world. With this level of flexibility, why would we come back from this?

Environmentally Friendly — Secondly, we can reduce our carbon footprint with regards to marketing. We don’t need to power electricity-intense servers, keep them cool, and hold a ‘data center’. With the scaling we mentioned previously, this all happens efficiently. Compared to having everything on-site, cloud computing uses significantly less energy because multiple businesses can use the same setup.

Future-Proof — Finally, as more competition enters the market, efficiency is going to become even more valuable than it is now. With this, we think that businesses will come to rely on cloud computing more and more; not just for marketing, but for all areas and tasks.

Get Started Today

There we have it, eight reasons why marketers should adopt cloud computing. Once you consider the solutions available in the market and their 24/7 support, it’s quickly becoming one of the easiest decisions to make for marketers.

Bonus! Marketing Tools:

  1. Trapica Suggest: Keyword Research Tool

2. Bilbi AI: Daily Marketing Campaign Insights

