AdEspresso vs Qwaya — Which tool to use to get better results?

Michael Teitelman
Published in
8 min readJun 13, 2017

In recent times, these two platforms have gained much attention which might leave you wondering which one to choose. If so, you aren’t alone because there are thousands of others doing the exact same thing. First and foremost, we should congratulate you since not everyone has recognized the power of Facebook. If you have included Facebook into your marketing strategy this year, you are in a great position. Without further ado, let’s take a look!

If you were unaware, both Qwaya and AdEspresso are platforms requiring a subscription. With no minimum budget, they fit the needs of many strategies. Today, we are going to look at the features of both as well as the benefits in comparison. By the end, you should be in a position to make an informed decision!

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To start, we should mention that there is a particular focus on A/B testing with Qwaya and it simplifies the process somewhat. In terms of design, it is also perfect for beginners and experts alike since it is basic yet still providing everything you need in one easy layout. If you have used Power Editor, it almost feels like an upgrade of this. Furthermore, the custom destination section is important if you don’t want to tie an ad to a specific page.

After creating your ad, A/B testing will be available not only for images but for all links, text, headlines, link descriptions, and more. With this, it doesn’t take long to optimize your ad and find the combination that works for you. With Qwaya, this is perhaps easier than with any other platform because the process can be automated and takes a matter of minutes to create hundreds of tests.

After composing the A/B test, the process of audience building is also kept simple and you can see immediately how many people you can target. Essentially, all the information is actually handed to you which is why it has gained so much attention; you hardly have to work for it which isn’t something prominent on other platforms. If you were targeting business owners, for example, your first option would be to choose a campaign targeting small business owners and entrepreneurs. In one test, we managed to find over five million people.

On the other hand, you could try a much larger audience and split test between small business owners and entrepreneurs. In this test, we hit 22 million people. However, each one of the split will get an Ad Set since the A/B test will run on both audiences. After this testing phase, you are near enough ready to start with your campaign and it really is as easy as that.

Qwaya Benefits — Before we take a look at some of the campaign rules and analysis techniques, let’s summarize the main benefits.

A/B testing is easier than ever before.
You will see exactly the segments you will reach.
With each Ad Set, you can evaluate how many people will see your ad; after this, you can see the same statistics for the whole campaign.
Platform is extremely simple to use whether a beginner or expert.

Qwaya Drawbacks — On the flip side, is there anything of which you should be wary before making your decision?

Although they’re only temporary, Qwaya will send bots to the chosen URL. At first, this will affect your bounce rate so you will need to keep this in mind when analyzing results.
At times, the Ad Sets do not launch simultaneously. In addition to this, the dashboard doesn’t really offer information regarding delayed Ad Sets so you are left in the dark a little.
After using images, they aren’t saved to the platform. Instead, you will need to upload them each time.
Finally, you don’t receive help with recommended image size or character limit which can add a few seconds to the process.

Campaign Rules — Once again, Qwaya is simple with campaign rules (were you really expecting anything different?). As long as you don’t set premature rules, your campaign won’t shut down unexpectedly. Compared to Power Editor, this is a huge step forward because the former has no automation options. If you go away for a week, checking what happened during this time when you get back is simple in the automation log.

Analyzing Results — Every time you log into the site, you will be faced with a helpful summary sheet. Here, you will find month-by-month comparisons and more. If you only need simple stats, Qwaya is perfect for you. If you’re looking for something a little more compared to standard platforms, you might be left disappointed. This being said, you can quickly read everything you need from the classic dashboard screen.

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With the second platform, we have AdEspresso and they use an entirely different approach. When you first load the platform, you will notice that it is perhaps styled towards beginners and this is highlighted in the many tips that flash across the screen. However, it is actually similar to Qwaya once you get past the initial interface differences.

Furthermore, we should note that AdEspresso does not have an option to change the link description which could make this decision between the two for you. Instead, the platform seems to focus on visuals and providing tips wherever possible. Put it this way, you shouldn’t ever get stuck on a screen because it tells you what each feature does and why it helps.

Moving away from the ‘beginner’ theme we do like the Canva integration because this is a superb web design tool for image creation and editing. If you want to make your ad look unique, this is definitely the tool you need. Finally, the A/B testing allows for various settings including gender, age, location, and more.

AdEspresso Benefits — Just as we did with Qwaya, we now have a list of benefits of this platform so you can see its strengths clearly.

Once you use an image, it will be saved to your gallery which prevents the upload process each and every time.
If you have used Power Editor and struggled, you will find this much easier to use and it is also much easier on the eye.
If you aren’t quite used to these types of platform, you will find it tough to get lost on AdEspresso because it is very easy to create a campaign.

AdEspresso Drawbacks — If you have used these types of platforms, you might miss some features and we have listed them below;

In a single campaign audience, you cannot differentiate the users according to device; not knowing whether the users are from mobile or desktop can be quite limiting.
Although we had the simplicity as a benefit of AdEspresso, we could also have it as a drawback because we found ourselves wanting a little more; sometimes, the building screens can be over-simplistic.
Finally, link descriptions cannot be used in an A/B test.

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Campaign Rules — When it comes to campaign rules, AdEspresso has certainly stepped it up a notch. With many different specific rules, they all have multiple variables which means that an Ad Creative or Ad Set can potentially stop or increase in bid price. Overall, this is a superb feature because you can assess what time of the day your ads are performing best and even what hours bring a lower CPC. With this sort of fine tuning, you are in the driving seat for your ad.


So, in the title we promised a verdict between the two platforms and this is something we are going to do now. In short, we suggest assessing your needs before you go making decisions. If you’re looking for a simple solution that will create your ads in a quick timeframe, Qwaya is probably the answer. However, AdEspresso has been designed for those who need more analysis and optimization over the course of days and weeks. With Qwaya, the focus is very much on clean interfaces with opportunity to create a significant amount whereas AdEspresso is more towards beginners and early tips.

Price — Of course, the price is something we haven’t yet discussed but Qwaya has two main packages on offer. For $149, you can have one user on a ‘Premium’ deal. If you want the ‘Business’ offer, $249 will get you five different licenses. If you need something away from this, they also welcome custom requests and you could get your own tailored package.

With AdEspresso, there are three different packages; Base, Premium, and Elite. Falling at $49, $149, and $299 per month respectively, the package you need will depend on your budget. In between $10,000 and $50,000, for example, requires the Elite package. If you happen to spend more than this, there is a fourth plan called ‘Enterprise’ and this is limitless with no restrictions; this costs just under $500.

Summary — If you want to try both platforms, you can get a free trial with no card information required. Once you test them both, you can then move forward with whichever you desire. All things considered, we recommend assessing your needs first before then looking to see which platform meets them best. When you do this, you will have more chance of success in the future!

Bonus! Marketing Tools:

  1. Trapica Suggest: Keyword Research Tool

2. Bilbi AI: Daily Marketing Campaign Insights

