B2B Advertising — Which Platforms Are Best?

Trapica Content Team
Published in
7 min readFeb 18, 2021

We all know that online platforms are now a leading source of new leads and income, and this is especially true for B2C businesses. They can advertise on Facebook and Instagram as well as work with influencers; all with remarkable ease. But what about B2B businesses? This area is often neglected…until now.

In this guide, we’re going to discover the most effective platforms for B2B businesses. Since most online guides talk about B2C services, we recommend saving this one to your bookmarks so you can refer back whenever required.

What’s the Difference Between B2B and B2C Advertising?

Is there really a difference between B2B advertising and B2C advertising? Doesn’t an article on B2C advertising apply to B2B services too? The answer is no. For B2C services, there’s a focus on using discounts and special offers to encourage impulsive decisions in customers. On the other hand, B2B services care more about lead generation and brand awareness. As a B2B service, you know that customer relationships are essential, and this priority holds true with dedicated B2B advertising.

Of course, this isn’t to say that all the platforms in this list will differ from those in a guide for B2C services. However, you’re likely to use the platforms differently.

Best Platforms for B2B Advertising

1. Google Search Network (GSN)

Firstly, you probably know all about Google Search Network. In any case, allow us to explain. Essentially, this is the name for the ad spaces available through Google search. This includes the space at the top of SERPs (search engine results pages) as well as apps and websites. It’s simple, you create an ad, Google will display that ad when a customer types a related keyword, and the process will potentially generate a lead.

Why should you advertise on the Google Search Network?

For one thing, this is a form of PPC advertising, and this means you only pay when somebody clicks on the ad. Also, you can appear at the top of search results — something you might not have achieved thus far when attempting organically. For a small fee, you receive exposure and (hopefully!) some clicks too.

Another advantage of advertising using the GSN is that you can target specific keywords. In B2B advertising, this is critical. After performing keyword research, you’ll know what businesses are searching to find services like your own.

2. Facebook

As perhaps the most obvious suggestion, Facebook has enormous value for B2B advertising (even though people will try to tell you otherwise!). In B2B advertising, one of the most important aspects is an active community in your industry. The difference between Facebook and GSN advertising is that people haven’t actively searched when they come across your ad on Facebook. Also, millions of businesses around the world are now advertising on Facebook so you have plenty of competitors on this platform.

Why should you advertise on Facebook?

Every day, it seems Facebook grows stronger for advertising, as evidenced by the extensive targeting, A/B testing, and Messenger advertising features available today. What’s more, the Facebook umbrella now includes Instagram, and this is a huge addition. Together, the two platforms have billions of active monthly users and millions of business pages. In case this wasn’t enough, you can also create lead generation ads while taking advantage of the low cost per click.

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3. Google Display Network

We return to the might of Google, and this is because Display Network includes YouTube and Gmail. The Google Display Network (GDN) isn’t quite as effective when it comes to targeting, and there are other risks like banner blindness and ad blockers you’ll have to manage.

Why should you advertise on GDN?

Although there’s a chance to hit a huge audience, with low cost per click along with freedom to use visual ads rather than the text-based ones through Google Search, many businesses choose to continue using the GDN (despite more effective solutions entering the market), because of the remarketing capabilities.

4. LinkedIn

As a B2B advertising guide, you didn’t think we would forget LinkedIn, did you? As we all know, LinkedIn is the king of all platforms for businesses selling to businesses. With Facebook, there’s an element of fighting through the crowd to find valuable leads and customers. With LinkedIn, advertisers are naturally in a better position due to the nature of the platform.

Why should you advertise on LinkedIn?

People will often tell you that Facebook has significantly more users, but it’s not all about the user base for B2B services. Instead, you need to focus on the quality of the user base. In case you missed it, LinkedIn is a professional platform with approximately 30 million active businesses. Fortunately, this platform has also worked on the advertising side of the service in recent times. What does that mean? Well, better cost per click optimization, granular budget control, conversion tracking, and geo-targeting.

As far as B2B marketing goes, we can reach deeper into companies based on the level of seniority, business type, experience, and more. LinkedIn also has a lookalike audience feature called Matched Audiences. Here, businesses upload a custom audience, and the platform will find other services with similarities.

See Related: How to View Your Competitors’ LinkedIn Ads

5. Twitter

Regardless of the new social media platforms, Twitter is one that has lasted the test of time (and doesn’t seem to be fading any time soon!). With this in mind, it presents an opportunity for B2B services because most businesses now have a Twitter account. There are some problems with Twitter, and those that have tried advertising will know about the limited search and targeting options.

Why should you advertise on Twitter?

Many businesses have found value in Twitter especially during industry events; they use paid advertising campaigns and generate exposure both during product launches and other important times. Additionally, Twitter ads blend into the feed, unlike other social media websites. Your paid ad will act like a normal Tweet and encourage engagement in all users.

6. Other B2B Advertising Platforms

  • Bing
  • Yahoo
  • Reddit
  • Pinterest

Also, we want to shine a light on traditional advertising methods. When searching for a guide on B2B advertising platforms, you were probably talking about the online world. However, it’s important not to forget our roots and the techniques that helped businesses for so long. With this in mind, why not try TV advertising, radio advertising, or even print advertising? Marketing is all about reaching locations where our audience is present; if this leads to traditional advertising, let it happen.

How to Create Effective B2B Ads

Let’s dispel a myth — B2B advertising doesn’t have to be boring. We know experts are always telling businesses to remain professional and get serious with their advertising efforts, but this doesn’t mean you can’t make it as exciting as B2C campaigns. Here are some examples of how you can bring B2B ads to life!

1. Show the Product

First, if you have a product to advertise, show the product. It might sound simple, but the old ‘show rather than tell’ rule is still applicable in 2021. Even if you’re selling a service, there’s no reason why you can’t offer some screenshots so that businesses see your service in action rather than having to imagine it.

2. Tell a Customer Story

Businesses are perhaps more cautious with money than general consumers; they’re working to budgets and can only spend when certain it will benefit the business. Therefore, we recommend using your customers to tell the story of your product/service/brand. Thanks to social proof, we know that even businesses listen to other businesses when it comes to spending money.

3. Before and After

Another powerful technique is showing a side-by-side comparison of before and after a business uses your solution. In fact, it doesn’t even need a lot of detail. In the past, we’ve seen companies use emojis to show an unhappy face changing to a happy face. Elsewhere, it might be screenshots showing the impact your service has on customers.

4. Pointing and Looking

In case you haven’t noticed, a number of B2B advertisements contain pictures of people pointing and looking in different directions. Why? For one thing, it works. With a picture of yourself, you become a more personable brand. With a smile, you point to a key piece of information about the service. Use a high-quality camera and take lots of pictures as you point and look towards key information that you’ll add later with editing software. Then, build campaigns around these photos as you look and point towards discounts, product features, and other key details.

5. Long Copy

Time and time again, we see businesses successfully using long copy on Facebook ads. As long as you write the key details towards the beginning, you satisfy both audiences — those who want to read the full message can while those who want the highlights can just read the beginning.

6. Bonus Tips

  • Use a pop-out ad
  • Choose a picture with a different expression (it’s not all about sunshine and daisies!)
  • Take advantage of various formats
  • Show the faces of business customers and employees
  • Encourage engagement
  • Offer a checklist so businesses see where they’re going wrong

