Bilbi Analytics Tools that Help Marketers

Trapica Content Team
Published in
7 min readJul 6, 2021

Marketers are on a continual journey towards perfection — what keeps them on this path is the fact that perfection is like the holy grail. It might exist in some form, but we’re incredibly unlikely to reach or find it. As soon as an ad campaign is perfected in every regard, the market changes and we’re on the hunt once again.

Although absolute perfection is impossible in the realm of online advertising, what we can do as marketers is ensure that our ads have the best possible chance of success. In other words, the conditions required to outperform competitors, resonate with the audience, and generate a healthy ROI.

Read More: Maximize Campaign ROI with Predictive Targeting

One way to achieve this is with analytics tools — these gather data and allow marketers to review performance in various areas. We can review all sorts of metrics, take an objective look at ad campaigns, and adjust our strategy accordingly.

However, knowing this and choosing a tool are two very different things. If you’re like most marketers, you’re confused by the sheer number of analytical tools available on the market right now. Rather than digging your head into the sand, we recommend learning about the niche. The more you learn, the easier it becomes to find the features most important to you as a marketer.

Today, we want to talk about one of the best new additions to the industry because it comes from a reliable brand and aids in all the right areas (especially when marketers are going crazy with the recent iOS 14 updates!).

Read More: Facebook Ad Insights: How to Get Them Post iOS 14

What’s Bilbi?

Previously, Bilbi was a tool for small businesses by Trapica. Now, it has evolved into an analytics tool for all marketers. Whether you’re in control of a tiny budget or a vast one, Bilbi Analytics has the tools you need to make the most of this money.

Understanding ad campaign performance has never been an easy task. To make things easier, Bilbi provides some assistance with real-time actionable insights. For many years, marketers would use their experience and knowledge to make predictions. This is no longer necessary (hooray!). Instead, you’ll make decisions based on data.

Without Bilbi, it’s hard to make sense of data when it enters the business through various points and from numerous platforms. With Bilbi, you make sense of it whether it comes from:

  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google
  • Instagram

Over time, Bilbi integrates with ad campaigns across all five of these platforms. The days of learning about your audience across several tabs are over as well as the days of using five different analytics platforms. This is possible because everything goes through Bilbi, where all the insights you’ll need in the coming weeks and months are found under the same roof.

iOS 14 Capabilities

At the moment, you’re probably looking for the reasons as to why you should invest in Bilbi as a marketer. Allow us to tempt you further — Bilbi has invested in an iOS 14 feature that provides insights into key demographic data points even after the Apple update.

It has been impossible to ignore the dread of marketers in recent weeks after Apple revealed new privacy controls for users. The App Tracking Transparency section of the update forces all apps on the App Store to request permission to track activity and behavior across other apps and websites.

Read More: Ad Targeting Optimization — Why It’s Important Post iOS 14

Of course, the problem here is that consumers are genuinely scared and worried about privacy online. They hear horror stories online, they talk to friends who have the same concerns, and they hate the idea of being followed online. Therefore, as soon as this option arose, a significant percentage of people were eager to tap against tracking. Early suggestions are that only four in ten people will allow tracking.

From a marketing perspective, this means we have less data to rely on for advertising purposes. Advertisers have been keeping their fingers crossed that things wouldn’t change — we’ve been thanking our lucky stars at the sheer amount of data available. Now, as a result of this change our data has disappeared, and it has affected our ad campaigns on Facebook and other social platforms.

Many different businesses have received a nasty surprise after looking at their analytics and spotting higher CPAs, lower ROI, and other issues. The pixel isn’t updated with fresh data as frequently, retargeting campaigns are no longer based on activity such as clicks (since they aren’t trackable), and seed audiences for lookalike audiences are shrinking

The problem with the iOS 14 update for marketers (perhaps one of the most written sentences in recent weeks) is that it’s a long-term change. Rather than a small, reversible moment, this one will remain for the foreseeable future. Consumers are happy with the new control, and Android users want something similar for their devices.

Consequently, you need to adjust your approach to ensure that you thrive in the future. If you aren’t willing to adjust now, there’s only one outcome for your marketing strategy and that’s getting left behind by the competition. As you’ve probably guessed, choosing to work with Bilbi as an analytics tool is one of the best ways to overcome the iOS 14 update.

As mentioned, Bilbi provides visibility into important demographic data even after the iOS 14 update. You’ll learn placement, gender, location, and age data while most other marketers are cursing Apple and struggling to make campaigns work. Bilbi uses artificial intelligence to generate real-time actionable insights. With accurate predictions and information regarding trends, you get insights not just for Facebook but also YouTube, Google, Twitter, and Instagram.

Read More: How iOS 14 Changes Affect FB Ads for In-House Marketing Teams

Features for Marketers

We’ve seen how Bilbi helps businesses and marketers to overcome the recent Apple update, but what else can you expect from the tool?

Trends and Insights

How are ads performing across the many channels on which you advertise? How does your investment on YouTube compare to your investment on Facebook and other platforms? It’s not just about looking at data, marketing revolves around acting on what the data suggests. Bilbi shows insights, trends, and actionable information to keep pushing ad campaigns in the right direction.

Conversion Funnel Analysis

Bilbi Analytics will assess the conversion funnel and how your audience members move through it (and whether they move through it at all!). As well as all the platforms mentioned previously, this takes place across Pinterest, LinkedIn, and additional platforms. With the actionable insights in this regard, you improve ad performance and ensure that your audience progresses beyond the first click.

Free Trial

If you want to remove the risk of testing this new platform, you can do it with a free trial. If you don’t like it, you can end the trial and continue your research elsewhere. If you like it, you can take your interest further and continue using the fantastic analytics tool.

Read More: Trapica Marketing Suite


How is your segmentation strategy working across the many different campaigns and channels? Segmentation in the modern marketing environment is difficult, so performance analysis is only a good thing. You learn how segmentation is working and the opportunities to improve the strategy in the time ahead.

Free Time for Marketers

Often, it’s what a tool does for a business that makes a difference. Bilbi gives marketers more time to deal with important tasks. In 2021, in a world with an abundance of technology and artificial intelligence, you shouldn’t have to spend hours upon hours staring at numbers on a screen. Why waste this time when you can have insights generated automatically?

This way, you cut through the initial analysis process and jump straight to the optimization phase. You have more time to draw up big-picture plans, generate more winning creatives, and propel the business forward.


As a marketer, we appreciate that every single cent of your budget this year is under intense scrutiny. After the pandemic, lockdowns, and even iOS 14, no business or marketer can afford to make poor decisions. Bilbi is an example of fine craftsmanship from people who clearly understand the pressures that marketers face in the modern marketing world.

The features have one purpose and one purpose only — to improve the efficacy of ad campaigns and ensure wise ad spending during these difficult times. Bilbi offers value for money in every way and many marketers are enjoying the luxury of demographic insights when iOS 14 threatened to remove them completely.

Read More: How Difficult Is It to Manage Facebook and Instagram Ad Campaigns Without Knowing Age and Gender Data?

Another reason to choose Bilbi Analytics is that it comes from Trapica, a brand with a plethora of valuable marketing tools and services. This includes ad optimization and automation, performance monitoring, keyword suggestions, audience discovery, and ad account protection. In other words, it’s a chance to fulfill all your marketing desires with just one brand. Why not try Bilbi and other Trapica services today?

