How to Find the Best Audiences on Facebook, Google, and Twitter

Trapica Content Team
Published in
7 min readDec 10, 2019

There are many different aspects that make up a successful marketing campaign. You need a good creative with copy that will resonate with users and get results. You need content that will draw people in and make them feel as though your solution is not only the best, but the only solution. You need to think about timing and reaching consumers at the right time in their purchasing journey. Lastly, you need an audience, and this is often something that’s put to the back of the queue.

Ultimately, you could have the very best campaign with the most profound message in the world, but this is all wasted if you aren’t finding people with a genuine interest in your brand or product. Today, we’re going to help you with this very task. Whether you prefer Twitter, Facebook, or Google, we hope you get some value from this guide in finding the right audience and getting this aspect of your marketing campaign right. Let’s get started.

1. Facebook

First, let’s start with Facebook since it is one of the most popular platforms for marketing. With nearly 2.5 billion active users logging into Facebook at least once per month, it makes sense to be present on this platform. As well as providing fun updates and behind-the-scenes videos, you’ve probably thought about paid advertising. Thankfully, Facebook makes it easier for every marketer with its Audience Insights feature.

What’s Facebook Audience Insights?

As a tool provided by Facebook itself, Audience Insights allows businesses to do two things:

  • Focus in on a specific audience
  • Reduce net spend per conversion

Over time, this tool will provide invaluable insights into your audience including demographics, purchase history and behavior, interests, hobbies, lifestyle, and plenty more. Facebook is obviously a platform to talk with friends and share stories, but our profiles also explain a lot about us, and this is what Audience Insights relies upon. By looking at the groups users join and what they share, a wider profile starts to build around them.

Using Facebook Audience Insights

As long as you’re a Page Advertiser, you will have access to the tool. After visiting the Facebook Ads manager, you should see an option to launch or log into Audience Insights and this is where the magic happens. To get started, you’ll need to choose an audience, and this is broken down into people who have connected with your page and the platform as a whole. If you want to build a picture of your existing audience and find others like them, select the first option. Otherwise, the second option will bring insights from competitors and others who haven’t yet connected with your page.

With Audience Insights, they recommend having at least 1,000 active monthly users since this will allow for averages and an accurate profile of users. One of the best tools that Facebook offers at this stage is Lookalike Audiences. If you have a database of existing customers, Lookalike Audiences will attempt to find these people on Facebook, assess their profiles (likes, dislikes, purchasing history, etc.), and then bring up a list of names who are similar and therefore may also have an interest in your brand.

If you decided to include everyone on Facebook, you’ll have an opportunity to build a New Audience and this is where you can select characteristics and really narrow down your target segment. As well as location, you can play around with life events, income, interests and several other factors. As you get deeper into the process, you will also have an opportunity to set:

  • Demographics
  • Household
  • Activity
  • Page likes
  • Purchase

Once you’re finished, save the audience. You can save a number of audiences and open them up whenever you need; on the selection page, you’ll see the name of your audience, the audience size, and other details. With your audience now created, it’s time to create an ad. By choosing the Power Editor option, you can actually create an ad that will resonate with your chosen audience automatically.

As long as you monitor the performance of your campaigns over time, the Audience Insights tool is a great way to find the best audience on Facebook and ensure that your marketing resources are being spent effectively.

2. Twitter

For all the Twitter advertisers out there, this next section is for you. Introduced in 2015, Twitter has their very own audience insights platform and it allows us to learn more about our followers and the many people who have interacted with tweets in recent times. If you have an upcoming campaign, it’s also possible to identify new audiences who will love what you have to offer.

As you reach the audience insights dashboard, you’ll be presented with all sorts of information regarding interests, demographics, purchasing behavior, and much more. Let’s say you’re about to start a campaign for the launch of a sportswear line, you could use audience insights to view any sportswear your potential customers have bought recently. From here, you identify segments and sort targeting very carefully and in a considered manner rather than just throwing ads out into the twitterverse and hoping for the best.

If you aren’t sure where to go next with your content and marketing strategy, Twitter advertisers can learn about the type of people who follow their pages. For example, if you learn that most people access Twitter through a tablet, you’ll need to make sure that everything you offer in the future caters to this audience.

Spotting Trends and Patterns

Through Twitter’s audience insights tool, it’s possible to learn more about the people who buy your products. That said, we also love the comparison tool. How does your audience compare to the wider Twitter audience? By noticing what’s unique about your own audience, you start to see how you can entice them towards your brand.

Don’t worry about privacy when using audience insights because all user and audience information is aggregated. Therefore, Twitter advertisers such as yourselves can learn about an audience without breaching important privacy policies.

Just as we noted with Facebook, there’s no reason why you can’t succeed as long as you’re making use of the analytics function and continually trying to improve your marketing campaigns over time.

3. Google

This leaves us with Google; how can you find the best audience to target on this platform? Thankfully, Google again has an audience insights tool that allows marketers to learn about people who are interested in a brand and develop new audiences for future campaigns. From your remarketing lists, what can you discover about their location, demographics, and interests? Once you find this information, it’s possible to make more informed decisions and boost the efficacy of all ads to come.

Since we’ve learned how audience insights tools work with both Facebook and Twitter, we want to change focus a little for Google and talk about storytelling. Of course, good storytelling will always come from good ideas, but it also comes from understanding an audience and what they need from their advertisements.

Often, marketers perceive data to be something holding them back from creativity. In our opinion, it should contribute to the creativity while ensuring that all of this creativity isn’t wasted. The more we learn about our audience as marketers, the more freedom we have to go and explore their needs and create content that really resonates (not just on a superficial level).

From insights, we glean lots of useful information. Where are these people at in life and what are their main pain points? What do they enjoy, and will they enjoy our products? Perhaps these are the main two, but what people often forget is that insights into an audience also teaches us how to communicate with ads. On a very basic level, knowing age and gender can help with how to speak to an audience. As we learn more and more, the message becomes more refined and the campaign is more likely to enjoy success.

What is it that unites a single audience? If you can grasp onto these key factors and then use it in a marketing campaign, you will attract more prospective customers. As time goes on, you see a better return on your investment and it starts a positive spiral of events where your audience grows, you continue learning, offer effective advertising, etc.

4. Thanks for Reading

There we have it, advice on not only finding the best audiences for Facebook, Twitter, and Google but taking advantage of the knowledge we pick up along the way too. Although the sheer amount of data available these days can be somewhat daunting, we urge you to look at the positive side and use this opportunity to find the audience that’s right for your brand!

Bonus! Marketing Tools:

  1. Trapica Suggest: Keyword Research Tool

2. Bilbi AI: Daily Marketing Campaign Insights

