Strategic Tools for Success in Market and Brand Research

Trapica Content Team
Published in
7 min readJan 6, 2021

For many years, market and brand research have been the key to success for businesses. Experienced companies, in addition to new businesses, need to perform research to remain at the top of the market. Thankfully, we’re not alone in this journey any longer with the development of advanced online platforms and tools. Today, we have five tools that are gaining traction in the market for all the right reasons.

If you’re finding brand and market research challenging, allow these tools to help. With the right tool, you can make this part of the business more effective; you’ll save money and lots of headaches.


First, we have a tool that uses artificial intelligence to converse with prospective customers. At any one time, you can talk to 1,000 people and gain insights into your company and the market. Over time, the artificial intelligence model analyzes the opinions of customers and transforms them into actionable insights. Even if hundreds of people respond simultaneously, it isn’t long before you have the details that can summarize all these interactions. No longer do you need to read through every single response and look for patterns; artificial intelligence does it for us.

Many businesses have trouble designing products that the consumers actually need. With a tool like Remesh, you get an overview of customer opinions without having to do everything manually. With a stronger understanding of consumers, you’re in a position to improve the customer experience, advertise in a way that resonates, and develop products they actually need.

Should you use Remesh? From our perspective, the tool talks a good talk, and actually walks the walk too. The whole platform is intuitive, responsive, and easy to use. Even with 1,000 people sending open-ended responses, the tool can accommodate this and still draw valuable insights. If you need to learn about your audience and perform research, Remesh is an effective resource.


Source: Nielsen

This is a name you probably know, and this is because its research has helped to shape and advance many industries. As a business, you can use Nielsen to get quick insights and therefore make faster decisions. With the Insights section of the website, we can look through reports and discoveries of the company. For example, just recently, it posted a report on the disruption caused to retail by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to these timely reports and articles, Nielsen assists in four key areas:

  • Marketing effectiveness
  • Consumerization
  • Innovation
  • Sales effectiveness

As a result, the services span consumer insights, creative optimization, advertising effectiveness, price and promotion, product development, and segmentation. For example, the consumer insights service uses brand building and customer satisfaction to help the business. On the other hand, product development uses clever strategies to help you create products that succeed. Through risk assessment and forecasting, you learn sales potential and other important data points. Neilsen offers a broad spectrum of insights and continues its tradition of supporting a variety of industries in many ways.

See Related: Top 7 Effective Ways to Use Social Media for Market Research

Oracle Data Management

Source: Oracle Data Management

You might know this solution as BlueKai, but it was recently rebranded as Oracle Data Management (or Oracle DMP). As a cloud-based solution, it helps in the journey to personalization. Recently, we’ve all been told about the importance of personalization. We need to tailor our approach with emails, advertising, and in every other way we operate. How do we do this without market research and a detailed understanding of the customer?

Three core goals for Oracle DMP revolve around devices:

  • Campaign Effectiveness — Make your campaigns stronger by personalizing not only for the individual but also for their device.
  • Media Buys — Find the devices most important for conversions; is there a way to stop wasting impressions?
  • Segmentation — Learn about your audience and their device habits. By doing this, you can segment consumers into groups and reach out in the right way.

Just as we saw with Remesh, Oracle also has an artificial intelligence platform to help businesses make faster and more accurate decisions. With a full suite of applications, you choose the ones pertinent to your strategy and goals. For marketing, one of the most popular is Data Enrichment. Here, the idea is to enjoy more precise marketing strategies (in other words, advertise in a way that audiences want and need).

Oracle DMP is an advanced platform for all companies wanting to learn more about their audience. There’s a difference between learning about an audience and learning in a way that helps us to improve product development, ads, etc. Oracle DMP is designed to provide the latter so that our campaigns are richer and more likely to generate conversions.


Source: Quollo

If you want to learn about your market, and your brand as a by-product of this, there aren’t too many better resources than Quollo. The prospect of leveraging artificial intelligence to learn about a market isn’t new, but Quollo provides a uniquely refreshing approach. This tool is for those who need a simple and accessible platform for market research purposes.

How does it work? After the platform has access to your company, it will analyze your audience and then draw on the information to provide insights. After first linking your business to Quollo, you only need to wait 48 hours before the first insights come through. Since you’re analyzing the people who have interacted with the brand, learning the key features of what makes them customers of your brand can aid all future product development and content creation. Do they have similarities? If so, you can count on Quollo to identify them.

Quollo brings value in many ways, and we can’t help but love the Market Research Report. In this report, you’ll learn targeting definitions for any audience list available through your Facebook ad account. You’ll also learn, across your whole audience, the main intent, interest, and behavioral targeting segments. Elsewhere, the report continues with demographic and geographic segments. With one comprehensive report, you’re likely to receive more valuable information than you’ve received from several other tools (combined!) over the years.

See Related: Get to Know Your Target Market Using Quollo


Source: Helixa

According to Helixa, it’s possible to get insights into your audience within minutes rather than hours with this platform. Using machine learning and artificial intelligence, you create buyer personas based on actions, interests, viewing habits, and other metrics. What’s more, you go past the basic demographics and segment your audience based on their personalities, lifestyles, and other motivations. This way, you’re able to target each segment with the right voice, tone, and approach.

In terms of features, perhaps the biggest is the use of machine learning and AI to bring otherwise separate data sources together. When pulled together in Helixa, it’s easy to get an overview of the people who keep our businesses running (the consumers!). Most users find Helixa as a breath of fresh air because it breaks market and brand research down into digestible sections. For example, there are four parts to the Helix Discovery service:

  • Total Social View — As a social listening tool, this is a great way to learn what people are saying about your brand on the internet. Is it mostly positive? What are the negative comments referring to? You learn not only what people are saying but also about the people themselves. What are their interests, brand affinities, and media preferences? What encourages them to spend money online?
  • Helixa Influencer View — Sometimes, you need to research potential influencers and the names that would be a good fit for the brand. With Influencer View, this is something you can achieve quickly and efficiently. Helixa not only locates potential influencers, it ranks them as well, so that you can narrow down names to investigate. Theinfluencers are ranked based on the quality of followers, their strength as an influencer, and the opportunities they would bring. This tool helps deliver a good return when investing in influencers.
  • Total Consumer View — Here, the goal is to connect interests, media, influencers, and product consumption. Again, you build knowledge about your audience and highlight prospective consumers. Based on characteristics and interests, you can consider communication and how you can approach the daunting task of conversing with consumers.
  • Helixa Segment View — After segmenting your audience, this tool builds a plan to approach each portion. Best results often come when a business considers each segment and how to communicate with them effectively. As we consider each segment, we create a message that resonates, and we have a good chance to convert with all customers.

Choose a Strategic Tool Today

There we have it, five strategic tools designed to help marketers and businesses in their mission to learn more about their audience, the market, the brand, and more. Since they all offer something unique, we recommend taking advantage of the free trials and finding what works for your needs. Think about what you want to achieve with a market/brand research tool and then select one from this list to start!

See Related: How to Create Buyer Personas for Your Business

