Top 20 Marketing Automation Platforms

Meg Grasmick
Published in
6 min readFeb 13, 2020
Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

Automation tools are crucial to your digital marketing strategy. Rather than doing everything manually, these tools automate certain processes so you can get quicker insights and make adjustments to campaigns faster.

The benefits of these tools are clear — they boost efficiency, allow for more informed decision-making, and provide employees with more time to focus on other tasks — but which tool is best?

We’re going to introduce you to 20 marketing automation platforms in this guide. We have considered several aspects of these services including:

  • Customer service
  • Pricing
  • Interface and usability
  • Integration possibilities with other software
  • Email and content capabilities
  • Sales/CRM capabilities

With this last point in particular, lead scoring was an important consideration for us. While some automation tools have lead scoring and others features with a built-in CRM system, others will need you to connect an existing CRM system.

Predictive lead scoring will assess data, both activity and historical, to make a judgement on leads. Which leads are most likely to convert?

We’ve listed 20 valuable marketing automation solutions. There will be an emphasis on Facebook marketing, but we also touch on tools for marketing at large.

1. Driftrock

This Facebook marketing tool is geared towards lead generation and converting leads. With a variety of different tools at your disposal, you should have everything you need to manage all Facebook ads while automating certain tasks. As well as testing variations, you can also create ads and optimize existing campaigns in no time.

2. AgoraPulse

AgoraPulse is another Facebook marketing tool that will help you monitor engagement, schedule posts, and pay attention to social listening. What’s more, there’s a special barometer to compare with the competition.

3. SendinBlue

SendinBlue allows you to use the right CTAs and design ads in the right way. Suitable for use with Facebook, you can directly retarget a specific audience while also creating somewhat of a lookalike audience. After analyzing your current customers, SendinBlue will find new leads with similarities.

4. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign has long been a leader in the market. It was one of the first services to introduce the visual automation sequence builder.

It continues to innovate. Key features include:

  • Automation split tests
  • Predictive sending
  • Predictive content

5. Hubspot

HubSpot is a name that all marketers will know, but some in a negative light. There have been claims that Hubspot’s services are more affordable (and better!) elsewhere. However, we can’t ignore its marketing automation features. If your budget will stretch, the software is easy to use, helps businesses grow, and offers a reliable name.

6. Pardot

Next up, we’re looking at the marketing automation tools on one of the most popular CRMs. Pardot has an aim of bringing sales and marketing teams together. After finding leads, it aims to help businesses close deals and generate a positive ROI. The leads are qualified and then scored based on the user-set parameters.

7. Klaviyo

As a growth marketing platform, businesses can focus on personalization in a world that almost demands it of all businesses. Whether you want to improve your presence on the web, in-app notifications, email, or elsewhere, Klaviyo will have ways to help. According to the company itself, 67 brands move across to their services each day.

8. Marketo

Much like Hubspot, this is a well-known name for marketers, and it allows marketing teams to automate and save their resources for more important tasks. Now owned by Adobe, Marketo offers reliability, transparency, and scalability.

9. Kenshoo

Returning to Facebook marketing tools, Kenshoo brings customers and marketers closer than ever. Regardless of device or channel, Kenshoo provides the tools you need to both optimize and automate. With this service, your marketing investments will all contribute towards your greater marketing goals.

10. Faceboardpro

For those on a smaller budget, we don’t think you should have to miss out on marketing automation, which is why we have Faceboardpro. As a cloud-based service, you can use the different features to automate your Facebook marketing campaigns.

11. Ninja Blaster

We’re living in a time where we shouldn’t have to monitor campaigns and other aspects of marketing every second of the day; Ninja Blaster is a great way to stay the course. It will also facilitate more posting options in case you want to schedule posts in advance or post in groups.

12. RD Station

Especially designed for small and medium-sized businesses, RD Station is a platform that boasts high reviews from those who have used it. One review website had 89% five-star reviews and not a single review in the one- and two-star categories.The software attracts visitors to your website and offers features for nurturing (and hopefully turning them into customers!).

13. GetResponse

If you need help with content creation, we often recommend GetResponse. You might take advantage of:

  • Autoresponders
  • Email marketing
  • Landing pages
  • Advanced analytics
  • Conversion and lead tracking

14. Buffer

Like many automation tools, Buffer has been working on its social media offering in recent times, and it has paid dividends. Rather than having to remember and be active, schedule your social media posts on Buffer. Not only is the interface clean and easy to use, the browser extension integrates with WordPress, Chrome, and many others.

15. Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager will optimize targeting, budgeting, and ad performance. If you need to present data to others in the business, the reporting tools will save you from hours of creating graphs and, inevitably, getting frustrated.

16. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a reliable partner for analytics, social media management, ad targeting, lead management, and automation. Get ready to learn more about your customers.

17. FaceDominator

Just by the name alone, you might have guessed that FaceDominator is designed primarily for Facebook. This service has the aim of putting ad campaigns on ‘autopilot’ so businesses get better results.

18. AdEspresso

Sometimes, it’s best to get help through all stages of the ad process, and AdEspresso is just the tool to do it. AdEspresso assists with creation, management, and certain automation. Other great features include A/B testing, analytics, customizable dashboards, and the ability to create your own rules for automation.

19. Ontraport

Ontraport is focused on customer support rather than a simple software solution. For example, it starts with a free setup call with one of the experts. If you like what you hear, they offer a free trial at all four levels of their service:

  • Basic
  • Plus
  • Pro
  • Enterprise

We like Ontraport’s payment system because the packages are decided by the number of account users, contacts, emails, and other features you require.


Finally, we come to, which self-advertises as the ‘sales automation platform for modern sales teams.’ Not only does it give businesses the power to start conversations, it also boosts the sales team productivity by giving them a boost. Users will have a Chrome extension, API to search and verify emails, and CSV import for large quantities of emails.


With these twenty automation tools, you have a great path towards efficiency and strong ROI. Though this huge list may seem daunting, take some time to go through the features of each. Once you consider your needs and budget, and whether the tool will accommodate scaling, you’ll find a perfect partner!

Extra Tip!

Trapica is an AI Marketing platform that offers the following free tools for targeting optimization and marketing automation (plus other advanced products and solutions):

Trapica Suggest: Keyword Research Tool

Trapica Insights: Track Valuable Metrics

