The Best 9 Content Distribution Channels in 2021

Jamie Fisher
Published in
5 min readFeb 5, 2019

Since “marketing” first became widely used by businesses to the present day, it has always been the key to business expansion.

Unlike the old-fashioned billboard ads that require you to place ads at fixed sites; hoping that somehow your prospective customers will pass by and see it, online marketing offers so much more variety.

Countless people use the internet every day and online marketing can put your products in front of all of them. But, there is a catch– you need to create content that will make them stay on your site and explore what your have to offer. This is the true value of a great content strategy.

Content Strategy

1. Plan — Create the blueprint for your content. It will guide you on the formatting, structure, and pace of releasing new content.

2. Develop — Brainstorm keywords that relate to your brand, thinking about your intended audience, and developing content ideas that will draw in potential customers.

3. Manage — After you’ve developed a well thought out or well-planned content, you need to find effective ways to manage that content. By doing this, your content will have maximum impact on your audience.

Top 9 Types of Content

As you begin to build out your content strategy, it’s important to consider which kinds of content will draw viewers or readers in and encourage them to continue seeking out your content. To make this easier, we’ve outlined the ten best types of content to include in a marketing strategy.

1. Blogs

Blogs are a standout among the mainstream types of content. They enhance SEO and direct more natural traffic to your website. Sites that incorporate a blog normally have more indexed web pages compared to the sites that don’t. This implies that sites with a blog have a greater chance of landing on the first page of search engines like Google. Companies with blogs also have more inward bound links, which assists with SEO.

Blogging also helps you build a good rapport with your leads and current clients. The more valuable content you provide, the greater the chance you have of connected with potential customers.

2. Videos

Buyers today are seeing more video content than ever before; 33% of all internet activities involve watching audiovisual content. This makes video a standout type of content for connecting with your potential customers, regardless of what industry you are in.

Video content is great for business because it gives a high rate of return. If you want to keep consumers on your websites for a length of time, give them something engaging to watch on your page. If they spend noteworthy time on your site, chances are they’ll continue on and go through your products and familiarize themselves with your brand.

3. Infographics

Infographics are the content used by companies to educate their prospective clients with helpful data points. Infographics enable viewers to have a visual representation of a relevant idea.

If you want to use infographics, think about which topics are most appropriate for your intended audience. Normally, any data that would be aided by a visual guide can make an incredible infographic topic. You can use it to clarify an complicated subject, simplify a process, or even to summarize your product.

Simplify your digital marketing.

4. Digital books

Digital books are a powerful kind of long-form content that organizations can use to offer some incentive for their leads and clients. Contrary to the way many companies pack their content with ads, digital books are solely meant to give value to your audience. It should give some kind of valuable data and knowledge for your intended interest group.

eBooks are not tied to selling to your prospects, instead they aim to establish a meaningful rapport with them. This builds their confidence in your brand and can encourage them to call you as soon as they’re prepared to buy.

5. White paper

White papers involve using clear charts and pictures to demonstrate your mastery in a specific area. When using this strategy, ensure you focus on the report format. White paper content gives your audience the top to bottom analysis of a specific point that truly matters to them. It should help your clients combat their challenges and build your authenticity.

6. Checklist

A checklist gives a rundown of activities that can help you breakdown a difficult task and accomplish it. Checklists are an incredible resource for small businesses who are trying to take on new projects and build out different facets of their company. Once you’ve made a checklist on an applicable subject, you can promote your checklists via online channels or even consolidate them into a blog post.

7. Memes

Memes have become incredibly prominent among consumers and have cemented their significance in pop culture. They normally highlight viral pictures with a caption that says something engaging, clever, or relatable. These images and GIFs are super shareable and can trigger a positive response among the viewers.

8. How-Tos

Most users come online to learn something, to gain more insight on a topic, or to find easier ways to do something. By providing a how-to article that provides a step-by-step solution to accomplishing a specific task, you can keep them on your site, and potentially even get them to make a purchase.

9. Case Studies

Case studies are awesome for two big reasons: they are specific to your company and are very shareable. They contain an analysis of how your product or service helped one of your clients successfully solve a major problem that they were facing. The catch is whether or not you can successfully incorporate story-like elements that keep the case study engaging and hold the attention of your reader.

