How To Find Cheap Flights Anywhere: Hidden Ways

Selcuk Unluturk
Travel Channel
Published in
7 min readJan 12, 2023
How to Find Cheap Flights to Anywhere

Finding the cheapest flight is a game of patience. You need to invest some time and effort into your search, but if you do your homework and use the right strategies, it’s not that to get a good deal on an airfare. Here are our top tips for how to find cheap flights anywhere:

How to find cheap flights anywhere

Use the Best Flight Search Engines

Using flight search engines can also be a good way to find cheap flights. A lot of them arefree, but some do charge for their services.

You should use multiple search engines because they each have different data sources algorithm, so the results differ from one another.

If you’re looking for deals on all airlines, not just one specific carrier or route, then using a meta search engine is your best bet. A meta search engine is like Kayak but with more options and features that help you find cheap flights faster than ever before!

Identify the Cheapest Day to Fly Out

Look at the weekdays, not just the weekend. Flights to most destinations are cheaper onweekdays than weekends.

  • Look at the day of the week you want to fly out: For example, Tuesday might be cheaper than Wednesday or Thursday for a flight from New York City to London. It’s worth checking prices across several days in your preferred month and year of travel before making a decision.
  • Check prices across months: Prices change constantly so it’s important to check fares throughout different parts of the year if possible, even if they’re all during peak season (summer).
  • Know how far into advance you can book tickets: Popular routes tend to get booked up quickly, so unless there are no seats available when you want them (which happensoccasionally), try booking as soon as possible after finding your ideal destination and dates — even though this will cost more up front!

Fly for Free with Points

  • Get Points

There are many ways to earn points, but it’s important to note that some rewards programs only allow you to transfer points between airlines, not within them. For example, if you have American Airlines miles and want to use them for a free flight on United Airlines instead of redeeming them for an actual flight, you’ll have to transfer your AA miles into United’s Membership Rewards program first.

  • Use Points: To find out which partners will let you use your points, search the airline’s website or call their customer service number and ask if they partner with any other airlines or hotel chains. If they don’t partner with anyone else, then your best bet is probably going directly through the airline itself when booking flights (assuming they don’t charge more than other airlines).

Befriend Budget Airlines

Budget airlines are the best way to find cheap flights. These companies offer low-cost ticketsbecause they don’t have a lot of overhead costs and can pass on those savings to theircustomers.

There are many budget airlines all over the world, so you’re sure to find one close to you. The best ones are located in Europe, Asia and North America. Some examples include Ryanair in Ireland, Wizz Air in Hungary and Spirit Airlines in Florida.

You can also find budget airlines by asking friends if they know of any good ones that fly outof your local airport or use search engines like Google Flights or Skyscanner (which will showyou a list of all nearby airports).

Search for Carrier-Specific Sales

If you know when you’re going to travel, search for flights on the airline’s website. Look forsales dates and times, as some airlines offer special deals during off-peak periods.

Additionally, check social media channels like Twitter and Facebook — the airline might be running a promotion that you didn’t hear about through traditional sources like email or text messages. If no carrier-specific deals are available yet, ask your friends if they have any tips or tricks for finding cheap flights.

Best Flight Search Engines

Here are some of the best flight search engines you can use:

  • Google Flights — Google’s search tool is great for finding cheap flights and it has a tonof features that make it easy to compare prices and find the best deal. The site offers you price predictions, which tell you how much prices might change in the next few months as well as other locations where you can fly from your current location.
  • Kayak — Kayak is one of the most popular travel websites, allowing users to compare hundreds of airlines at once and find cheap flight deals across multiple continents. You can also filter by time of day or set up notifications for when prices go down on specific flights.
  • Skyscanner — This website is known for its helpful filters and user reviews from fellow travelers who have flown with any given airline before (so they’re not just saying nice things because they want an extra kickback).

Sign Up for Fare Alerts

Sign up for fare alerts.

Fare alerts are email notifications you receive when your desired flight is available at a lowerprice.

This way, you can purchase the ticket before anyone else and save money. To sign up for these notifications, simply enter your desired route, departure date and time and how much you’re willing to spend (minimum $0). You’ll receive an email when there’s a new low fare available on that route.

The best part about this? You don’t have to do anything after that! You’ll automatically be notified every time there’s a lower fare on the same route, which means you’re free to go about your day without having to worry about checking fares manually throughout the day orweek.

Plus if it’s within 24 hours of booking time — or 14 days from original booking — you cancancel with no penalty or change fees.*

Scout Hidden City Flights

  • What is a hidden city flight?

A hidden city flight is a booking where you don’t fly all the way to your destination — youbreak up your trip and skip over the last leg of it.

This can be a great way to save money on travel, because airlines usually charge more forflights that are one-way rather than roundtrip.

  • How do I find hidden city flights?

You’ll need to use an aggregator site like Google Flights or Skiplagged. You can also checkout sites dedicated to finding hidden city flights, like Flyertalk’s Hidden City Ticket Threadsor Secret Flying’s “Hidden Cities” section.

Once you’ve gathered some options from those sites and inputted them into your search engine of choice (Google Flights or Skiplagged), look for flights with low mileage costs that will take you from point A (wherever you’re leaving) directly through point B (your actual final destination) without stopping at any other locations.

If there aren’t enough routes available, consider changing your departure/arrival datesslightly until they are — it may require waiting 24 hours before booking but it could meanhundreds of dollars saved!

Use My Favorite Tricks for Booking Cheap Flights

  • Use a travel rewards credit card.
  • Check for frequent flyer miles.
  • Use a travel rewards program.
  • Fly on low-cost airlines like Southwest, JetBlue or Spirit Airlines.

Cheapest flights can be found by searching on search engines, identifying the cheapest day to fly out, flying for free with points, befriending budget airlines, searching for carrier-specific sales, checking low-cost carriers in Europe and Asia, signing up for fare alerts, scouting hidden city flights and by using this article’s tricks for booking cheap flights.

The best way how to find cheap flights anywhere is by using the following search engines:

Momondo is a great place to start your journey because it doesn’t have a lot of baggage fees, which means you won’t have to pay extra money when you travel! If Momondo doesn’t find the cheapest flight, then try Skyscanner, who always seems to come up with cheaper prices than everyone else.

Conclusion to How to find Cheap Flights to Anywhere

So there you have it, our step-by-step guide to how to find cheap flights anywhere. We hopethat you’ve found some useful tips here, but if not then don’t worry — there are plenty more articles on this site that can help you find cheap flights. Happy travels!

For more travel blog, you can visit my website as well.

Disclosure: Some external links in this post are affiliate links



Selcuk Unluturk
Travel Channel

Hi I am Selcuk! Founder of TheHotelsPlanet. A Turkish entrepreneur. I studied Cinema and Television at Istanbul University. I run a couple websites and business