
Currently, HLT and NI do not have scholarships readily available for our participants. However, we will be crowdfunding throughout the sign up period to alleviate some of the costs for those who have financial need. If interested, please check the box on the registration form indicating that you would like to apply for a scholarship and send us an email with your response to the prompt below.

Essay prompt: Write about a time in which nonviolent action had an impact your life. This does not necessarily have to be an action that you participated in, but may be an act, event, individual, historic figure, or something else that inspired you. Minimum 200 words.

Photo Credit: Gili Getz

Recommendations for Personal Fundraising

Because our scholarships will be limited in number and will not be able to cover the entire cost of the trip, we recommend that participants conduct personal fundraising. Examples of this can be crowdfunding by making use of websites such as GoFundMe, IndieGogo, Kickstarter, Crowdfunding, and others. Another way to raise money while involving your community can be through the use of pledge sheets, which may be structured however you choose. Reward systems can often help encourage friends and family members to donate. For example, those who donate $25 may receive a postcard or whatever else you find appropriate from Palestine/Israel. To help get you started, we have provided an example pledge sheet below.

