The Olive Harvest

An Ancient Palestinian Tradition


The Olive Tree, the symbol of Palestinian culture

The Problem:

Since 1967, over 800,000 thousand olive trees have been destroyed by the Israeli military or settlers in the West Bank. Each year during the olive harvest many settlers and/or Israeli military attack farmers, destroy trees, and even steal olives after they have been collected, making the Palestinian farmers fear for their livelihood. The olive tree industry not only makes up a large percentage of Palestinian income and food supply but the crop is also a part of the Palestinian identity, history and culture. Olive harvesting is an ancient tradition in the Palestinian community. When olive trees are destroyed or the olive crops are stolen, it not only leaves the farmer and his family without a means for income, and decreases food security in the West Bank but it is also inhibits the right and the freedom of the Palestinian to their customs and way of life.

Our Response:

As a nonviolent response to the consistent interruptions to the olive harvest, Holy Land Trust and its partners are committed to assisting farmers during the harvest each year. Holy Land Trust locates farmers who live in fear of their harvest being disrupted, typically farmers who have been attacked in the past, and connects them with international volunteers, in order to provide them with assistance during the harvest. International volunteers partner with HLT staff, and the farmer and his family to assist with their harvest each year.

The Result:

The aim of the project is to engage international volunteers to learn the theory and practice of the Palestinian olive harvest and to protect and support the Palestinian’s ancient tradition and culture. Not only do the international volunteers assist with olive picking, but their presence makes it less likely that settlers and/or Israeli military will harass the farmers; therefore, an indirect result of international presence is protection for the farmers and their land. It also provides symbols of solidarity to Palestinians that there exists international support for their livelihood and human rights.

Our Request:

The Palestinian Olive Harvest is coming up in October and we will need your help and support! It would be amazing if you could come to Palestine and help us on the ground! You can join us, and together we can protect the farmers and assist them with the Olive Harvest. If you or a delegation are interested in volunteering during the upcoming Olive Harvest, please contact our travel encounter department at If you are not able to come volunteer, don’t worry, we still need your help! You can support this project and Holy Land Trust by making a donation on our Donation page, liking our Facebook page by clicking here and by spreading the word to your community about the Palestinian situation and how Holy Land Trust is making an impact.

