原力 與🎏 山古志 同在 May the Force be with Yamakoshi

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2023


It is held on the 4th of May every year, because it sounds similar to the well-known Star Wars catchphrase “May the Force be with you.” (May the 4th be with you) .

In 2023, a visit to the Nagaoka area of Japan revealed a magical spot that is “with the Force”: Yamakoshi .


The famous terraced rice paddies in Yamakoshi are famous for the fact that in May, after rice planting, when the temperature of the ponds in the fields is warmer, the villagers put the koi in the ponds in the rice paddies.


It’s no joke to say that the valley has the “Force”. Most of the koi here grow to over 10kg, and a few even grow to over 20kg, making them incredibly huge champion koi!


In May, it is the most beautiful time of the year when the ponds in the fields are filled with the koi with brilliant patterns, amidst the greenery enveloped by the Force.


In 2003, Yamakoshi was selected by the Japanese government as an “important area for cultural landscapes related to the agriculture, forestry and water industry,” and in 2017, Yamakoshi’s “mechanism for using the bounty of snow to grow rice and raise carp” was even certified as Japanese Agricultural Heritage.


In addition to the crops and the amazing koi that are nurtured by nature, Yamakoshi is also rich in a wide variety of wild vegetables that are beneficial to health;



The people of Yamakoshi are preparing for the 2023 Japan Golden Week:
On May 4 (also known as Star Wars Force Day),

Yamakoshi Agricultural Market Festival will not only allow visitors to see a variety of healthy and organic agricultural products from the Yamakoshi , but also a variety of other events.

這一天還將有山古志傳統的鬥牛表演,第二天的5月5日,則繼續有@yagi_bumpus × @maki_saka11020 合作的爵士樂演出!




On this day, there will be a traditional bullfight, and the next day, May 5, there will be a jazz performance by @yagi_bumpus × @maki_saka11020!
Both days will Stream live on : youtube.com/@official931


The latest legend of Yamakoshi is the creation of Yamakoshi NFT, which uses digital technology to raise funds to preserve natural culture:

山古志NFT資訊可用 #nishikigoiNFT 標籤尋找,或洽詢 @Izu831@nishikigoiNFT 等熱心推特用戶,

For info of Yamakoshi NFT, use #nishikigoiNFT hashtag or consult Twitter @Izu831, @nishikigoiNFT .

如果要在山古志尋找攝影絕景,不要忘記關注@ohSesoriH 這位已出版山古志攝影集的作者。

If you are looking for the best photography spot in the valley, don’t forget to pay attention to @ohSesoriH, the author who has published the photo book of the valley.

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