Kyle Chu 微風捕手
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2017


砂卡礑步道 教我的事:山會贏 Skadang Trail taught me that the moutain always wins in the end


I was bored when I had visited Taroko National Park in my elementary school graduation trip. My teacher taught us that Man will conquer Nature and the difficult trail was the proof.


And I visited Taroko National Park 30 years later. I could tell you everything was different. There’re a lot of shutdown trails as Nature strikes back.


It seemed to me that Skadang Trail was alive. It dropped something like water,leaves, or little rocks through every breath I took in this trail.

You could hear all the small cracked sound from the mountain in the trail.


I stopped at a spot I could see the trees and there’s some very tiny rocks rolled down. That sound was freaking a girl on colorful sandals behind me out that she pulled her boyfriend to run away from there as soon as possible.


The mountain tried to remind us something with those water drops,rolling rocks and cracked sound.


You just can’t beat the moutain.


You could be a billionaire owned a couple of hotel, a few department stores, a telecommunication company and a cement corporation. But in the end, you will become the dust back to the earth.


Christopher Nolan wrote some great lines in the end of the movie “The Prestige” : “You spent a fortune. You did terrible things. Really terrible things. And all for nothing.”.


It’s unlikely that any one concrete building could stand there for thousands or ten thousands of years. In the end, all goes to dust.


Skadang Trail taught me that the mountain always wins in the end.




Kyle Chu 微風捕手

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