Kyle Chu 微風捕手
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2018


😺貓 迷 賞櫻 🌸 私房景點:光明寺 🏯 鐮倉 Komyoji at Kamakura , Great Place with Sakura , Temple & Cats


When you visit Sakura blossom season in Japan, the biggest luxury is to be able to watch the beauty of Sakura blossoms alone or with your loved ones.

The fewer the crowds, the better, and the brighter blossoming sakura trees are better with ancient buildings.

If there were cats accompanied by visiting spots, it could be the paradise for both Sakura fans & cat fans.


Komyoji at Kamakura city is such a great place with Sakura,ancient buildings & cats.


During the Sakura blossom season, we visited the Komyoji Temple. When we entered the temple gate, we saw Sakura blossoms full of the garden.

The temple and the Sakura combined as the most beautiful pink scenery.


The colors of Japanese temple paints are low-key traditional patina, and in addition to Buddha statues and blue roof tiles, Komyoji Temple is almost unpainted in the colors of ancient wood building materials. It’s a beautiful stage for photography enthusiasts.


No matter what kind of photographic equipment you are carrying, you can take photos and enjoy yourself at Komyoji Temple in Kamakura.

In particular, the temple can be easily found by pruning the Sakura trees and ingeniously designing them against the architectural details of the temple, even if they are photographed from the glass doors and windows of temples. Beautiful composition.


There are many scattered stone monuments on the outskirts of the temple. And there are also many gaps under the wooden floor of the temple.

All of these gaps provided the wonderful resting place for cats. Therefore, lazy, undisturbed and comfortable cats may appear in any corner.


Kamakura Komyoji Temple served many kinds of cat-themed souvenirs for cat fans to treasure.


There are narrow stairs for visitors to climb on the wooden temple door where could overlook the internal courtyard of the temple and the Shonan coast in other direction.


Single temple attractions, Sakura blossom density is so high, building materials and maintain the original color of ancient wood, the temple has so many convertible views, is my personally recommended private attractions.

鐮倉光明寺另有兩個可拍照小景點:There’re two spot in this temple:性格電影演員高倉健的墓,位於一進寺門右手邊之處,附近有寺廟維護人員嚴防遊客踏進墓地範圍拍攝,只可遠觀。Famous movie actor Ken Takakura buried here that you could take photos of his tomb at a distance.
我個人最喜歡的高倉健電影,依序為《鐵道員》、演出中日龍隊總教練的《棒球先生》、演出日本警探的《黑雨》:“Poppoya”,”Mr.Baseball” & “Black Rain” are my favorite Ken Takakura movies.
鐮倉光明寺旁有材木座幼稚園,在不驚擾學生情況下,校旁的櫻花襯托幼稚園育樂設施,也是一景。There’s a kindergarden called Zaimokuza Kindergarten near the temple that you could take photos of it at a distance.
前往鐮倉光明寺,在鐮倉JR車站前,搭40或41號市公車,在光明寺站下車,去程票價每人200日圓,回程每人230日圓。If you wanna go to Kamakura Komyoji Temple. You could take the bus №40 & №41 in front of the KamakuraRailway station. The fare is 200 yen per person and the return journey is 230 yen per person.

