Increase Views-Share Your Blog to Social Media

Kimberly Weitkamp
Travel Industry Copy
3 min readApr 21, 2016
increase vews on blog

Are you reaching all the readers you could?

You’re just starting out with your blog. You give valuable information. It’s different from your competitors. Instead of talking about yourself, you talk to your customers. You know what their worries are and your posts address them.

However, you’re still not getting the readers you want. You’re not getting enough eyes on your blog. Few people are clicking the links at the end of your blog.

So what can you do to reach more readers?

There are a few simple steps you can take.

  • share to your social networks
  • share to the right networks
  • share more than once
  • share old content

Use Keywords to Share Your Blog to Social Media

Today, we’ll talk about sharing your blog to your social networks.

When you first publish a post, it exists in its own little corner of the Internet. When you tell the search engines what’s inside, people can find the exact content they’re looking for. Just like the labels on an aisle at the grocery store.

Optimize your post for keywords and SEO to get better rankings in search results. However, SEO and keywords are for people who are searching for something specific. You’ll only reach so many readers that way.

Advertise Your Content

If want to reach your prospects, even if they’re not searching for that particular topic at that particular time, you need to advertise. When you publish your blog to your social media accounts you let other people know you created new content.

These posts also contribute to your company’s SEO in the future. The more you share the more likely someone is to see your post.

Otherwise, someone will need to be searching for the exact content you told the search engines is in the post to find it.

Create a Unique Share for Social Media

When you share your content to a social media account, there are a few things to do to make it stand out.

When you share something for the first time, make it simple. Use the title of the post and a short phrase to get someone to click on it. This could be as simple as: Check out our new blog post! or Learn how to-Title- in our new post. Click to read more.

When you share any content, media is always better. If you have an image, it’s better than text. If you have a video, it’s better than an image. Every blog post you create needs to have at least one image in it, and you need to share that image when you advertise on social media.

If the image is set as a featured image on WordPress, the image will automatically be loaded when you post the link in Facebook and Google+. For Twitter, you’ll need to add the image manually.

These are a few steps to take to start sharing your blog to social media. In the next post in this series, we’ll talk about sharing to the right networks. Until then, start letting your prospects know you’ve created an awesome piece of content by sharing it to social media. Or share it in the comments below!

What is your experience with sharing blog posts to social media? Share what works best for you in the comments!

Ready for the next step? Travel Industry Copy can help with your blog or other content marketing needs.

