Regions of Kyrgyzstan — Where to go?

Travel Land
Travel Land
Published in
6 min readNov 14, 2022

The territory of Kyrgyzstan is divided into 7 administrative regions: Chuy, Issyk — Kul, Talas, Naryn, Jalal — Abad, Osh and Batken.

Chuy region

Chuy region is located in the northern part of Kyrgyzstan. It occupies 10% of the country’s territory, that is, 20.2 thousand sq km and borders in the north and west with the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the south-west — Talas and Jalal-Abad regions, in the south — Naryn region, in the south-east — Issyk-Kul region.

Chui oblast consists of 8 districts, 7 cities and 105 ayil aimags. Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, is the administrative center of Chuy region. Among the large cities of the region, Tokmok, Kara-Balta, Kant can be distinguished. The total population is 959 thousand people, excluding the population of the capital.

In the Chuy region there are such sights to visit as the Burana tower, Chon-Kemin natural park, Ala-Archa gorge, Suusamyr valley and many others.

Ala-Archa gorge | Travel Land |

Issyk-Kul region

Issyk-Kul region is located in the eastern part of the republic and borders on Kazakhstan in the northeast, China in the east, Naryn region in the south and Chuy region in the west. The territory of the Issyk-Kul region occupies about 22% of the country’s territory, that is, 43.1 thousand sq km.

5 districts, 3 cities, 2 urban-type settlements and 61 ayil aimags are part of the Issyk-Kul region. Karakol city is the administrative center of the region. The population of the region is 489.8 thousand people.

Issyk-Kul-Lake, the pearl of Kyrgyzstan, is located in Issyk-Kul region. It is the largest lake in the country and the second largest mountain lake in the world. It never freezes, even in the harsh winter. Hence the name, which means “hot lake” in translation from Kyrgyz.

There are incredibly beautiful places on Issyk-Kul, such as the Jety-Oguz gorge, Barskoon, Grigorievka and Semenovka, Altyn-Arashan, Ala-Kul lake, Skazka canyon, most museums. Karakol, for example, offers a large number of hiking trails.

Issyk-Kul-Lake | Travel Land |

Talas region

Talas region is located in the northwestern part of the republic and borders Kazakhstan in the north and west, Jalal-Abad region in the south, and Chuy region in the east. With a total area of ​​11.4 thousand sq km, or about 6 percent of the country’s territory, Talas is the smallest region of the republic.

Talas region consists of 4 districts, one city and 37 ayil aimags. The administrative center is the city of Talas. The population of the region is 267 thousand people.

The world famous great Kyrgyz writer Chyngyz Aitmatov was born in Talas. In his village Sheker there is a museum named after the writer. Talas region is also known for its architectural monument of Manas kumbez, built in honor of the Kyrgyz hero Manas, who united his people in the struggle for independence. Epic “Manas”, by the way, is the largest epic in the world.

Naryn region

Naryn region is located in the central part of the country. Occupying 23% or 45.2 thousand sq km of the country’s territory, Naryn is the largest region of Kyrgyzstan. It is also the most mountainous and coldest region of the republic. It borders on Issyk-Kul in the east, Chui region — in the north, Jalal-Abad and Osh regions — in the west and China — in the south.

Naryn region includes 5 districts, one city and 63 ayil aimags. The administrative center of the region is the city of Naryn. The population of the region is 289 thousand people.

Son-Kul-Lake, one of the most important sights of the country, the second largest lake in the country at an altitude of over 3000 meters, is situated in the Naryn region. Here there is a unique opportunity to meet and experience the nomadic lifestyle, sleep in a yurt, and taste real Kyrgyz food.

Naryn is home to the Tash-Rabat caravanserai, one of the best-preserved monuments on the Great Silk Road; mystical lake Kel-Suu, which has incredible color.

Son-Kul-Lake | Travel Land |

Jalal-Abad region

Jalal-Abad region is located in the south-west of the country and occupies 17% or 33.7 thousand sq km of the country’s territory. It borders with Uzbekistan in the south-east, Talas region in the north, Naryn region in the east, and Osh region in the southeast.

8 districts, 8 cities, 4 urban-type settlements and 68 ayil aimaks are part of the Jalal-Abad region. Jalal-Abad is the administrative center of the region and the third largest city in the country. The population is 1.239 million.

Among the most popular sights of the Jalal-Abad region are the Sary-Chelek State Biosphere Reserve, which is included in the international network of UNESCO reserves; Toktogul reservoir, which is the largest not only in Kyrgyzstan, but also in the whole of Central Asia; the largest walnut forest in the world Arslanbob and many other places.

Sary-Chelek | Travel Land |

Osh region

Osh region is located in the southern part of the republic and occupies 14.5% or 29.0 thousand sq km of the country’s territory. It borders in the east with China, in the south — with Tajikistan, in the north-west — with Uzbekistan, in the west — with the Batken region, in the north — with the Jalal-Abad region, in the northeast — with the Naryn region.

Osh region consists of 7 districts, 3 cities and 88 ayil aimags. The administrative center of the region is the city of Osh, which is popularly called the second capital of Kyrgyzstan. The population is 1.368 million.

Osh is home to such sights as Mount Sulaiman-Too, the country’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site; Lenin Peak; Alai Valley; Lake Tulpar Kol; the ancient city of Uzgen and much more.

Mount Sulaiman-Too | Travel Land |

Batken region

Batken region is located in the south-west of the republic and is the most remote region of Kyrgyzstan. Batken occupies 8.5% or 17.0 thousand sq. km of the country’s territory and borders in the east with the Osh region, in the south-west and north — with the Republic of Tajikistan, in the north-east — with the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3 districts, 6 cities, one urban-type settlement and 31 ayil aimak are part of the Batken region. Batken city is the administrative center of the region. The population is 546 thousand people.

The main attractions of the region are Mount Aigul-Tash, where the flower “Aigul”, listed in the Red Book, grows; Karavshan gorge; Ai-Kul lake; Fortress Kahn and much more.

Earlier the article was published here.

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