Local food tour in Ljubljana with Ljubljananjam

Slovenia is magical for many reasons that you only discover when you visit it.

A magic you don’t want to miss is a food walking tour with Ljubljananjam to taste the yummy side of Ljubljana. Your friendly guide will be Iva Gruden who is also the founder.

Tour start: Prešeren Square, Ljubljanas best meeting point

You will visit incredible places and realize how deeply careful Slovenians are about what and how they eat. Gardening plays an important role in their life as well as organic food. They know the source and origins of food and most of it is made with their own hands or in their own village. Obviously, this helps keeping traditions alive and gathering families — not only around the table to eat but around the process of making food!

The central market in Ljubljana consists of a few parts. Ribarnica (fish market) is a place where locals can find their fish both from the Mediterranean sea and beyond. Pokrita tržnica (covered market) is in the lower level of seminary building — where the first public library is! — and it’s next to the fresh produce market, a paradise for your appetite!

You will be delighted by the delicatesses such as homemade flour. You will love the different tastes of goat and sheep cheeses and learn how to make them. You will try salami made of indigenous pork (the pigs were only fed with tree fruits) and more exotic salami made out of deer and even bear!

Every day Iva chooses a local restaurant. Each one is special because of the quality of their food and their particular story — usually related to social entrepreneurship.

If you analyze Slovenia’s gastronomy you will see that its geographic location (the bordering neighbors) had a strong influence on their cuisine, especially from the Italian side. Slovenia’s gastronomy is therefore diverse but also fragmented. Nevertheless, Iva combines all dishes, snacks and drinks into a perfect gastronomical adventure.

Ljubljananjam incorporates Slovenia’s many regional traditions in one unique experience. You travel around Slovenia through its food in a few hours while you enjoy the privilege of a small group with a very enjoyable guide. Iva is absolutely passionate about what she’s doing and a great ambassador of her country and its delicious food.

Bonus: Food specialities unique in Slovenia

Specialities that you can only find in Slovenia:

  • Pumpkin seed oil
  • Orange wine
  • Special honey due to the unique bee hives (they have a national bee wasp)

Find more photos of the great tour on Facebook.

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(Originally posted on the ON BOARD Blog)

