9 Pro Tips For Traveling With Your Furry Friend Internationally

Taking a trip with your furry companion is exciting!

Travel Luxury Living
6 min readSep 13, 2023


However, traveling internationally with your furry friend can be complicated.

There are several different regulations and procedures you need to follow when taking your pet along with you. With coordination, planning, and hard work, you can enhance your chances for a smooth and enjoyable experience.

This post is designed to guide you through traveling with dogs internationally.

1. Check the Requirements and Regulations of Your Destination Country

Photo by Fredrik Öhlander on Unsplash

Before your travel, it is essential to research the specific rules and regulations of the country that you are visiting. Some countries require specific vaccines, microchipping, quarantine periods, and even blood tests. Contact the embassy of your destination country to understand the necessary documentation needed for you and your dog to enter. Ensure that you keep these documents in order, and they are not expired. Always keep these papers close to hand, such as in your carry-on or day pack.

2. Choose the Right Airline and Consider the Right Travel Crate

Photo by Artturi Jalli on Unsplash

When traveling with your furry friend, choose an airline that has a pet-friendly policy. You must have the right travel crate. The crate should be large enough for your dog to stand up, lie down and turn around. Make sure to test it a few days before the trip to ensure that your pup is comfortable spending time in it. You can also consider placing your dog’s bed and toys inside the crate. Additionally, you must ensure you make advance bookings for your dog’s travel crate, as airlines can limit the number of animals allowed on each flight.

3. Pack Your Pet’s Essentials and Supply Kit

Photo by Robert Larsson on Unsplash

Ensuring your pet’s comfort while you are on your trip is key. This means packing all of the essential items your pup will need, such as food, bowls, leash, necessary medications, toys, pet-safe wipes, and sanitation bags. It is also recommended to pack dust cloth and old towels or your pet to use as bed blankets if you are staying somewhere that is cold.

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4. Prepare Your Dog For the Flight

Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

Flying is a stressful event for a dog. Using medications or other calming factors should be with recommendations from your vet. Two things every dog needs before flying is some exercise and an empty tummy. If possible, take your dog for a long walk or play session with toys before the flight to burn off any excess energy. It’s also vital to feed your pup at least a few hours before the flight to avoid any motion sickness.

5. Visit the Vet

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Before traveling, it’s essential to take your dog for a medical check-up. Your vet will examine your dog’s physical health and ensure that all vaccinations are up to date, and your dog is fit to travel. Contact your veterinarian to learn about the necessary vaccines and health certificates that are required to transport your dog to another country. It’s essential to schedule your visit well ahead of your travel plans, as some countries require certificates should be issued within a limited window before travel.

6. Get Your Dog Familiarized With Travel

It is best to get your dog accustomed to travel before your trip. It would help if you began prepping your dog several weeks before your scheduled trip date. You can train your dog with ample practice runs using travel carriers to get them accustomed to the carrier and the airline experience. Consider starting with short trips to nearby locations to condition your dog’s travel habits. Moreover, try to acclimate your dog to different smells, sights, and sounds that come with the transportation.

7. Prepare Food and Water Supply

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Ensure to pack enough pet food and water for your dog’s journey to prevent undernourishment and dehydration. Pack enough food and supplements to last for your entire trip, plus extra supplies in case of unforeseen circumstances. In case of transiting through countries, it is vital to research pet food import regulations to avoid confiscation of your pet’s food and water supply. You may consider using food storage containers, which are convenient and easy to pack.

8. Choose a Comfortable Pet Carrier

Photo by Shaya Pets on Unsplash

Your dog will likely spend most of the travel time in a pet carrier; hence, it’s essential to choose an appropriate, comfortable one for your furry friend. When selecting a carrier, it’s vital to measure your dog and choose a carrier that suits their size and breed. Airlines have size restrictions, so ensure to choose a carrier that fits the airline’s regulations. Furthermore, ensure that the carrier has enough ventilation and is easy to open and close during check-ins and travels.

9. Remain Calm

Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

If your dog knows you are nervous it can make their experience a stressful one. Dogs are very intuitive and pick up on their owner’s mood quickly. Calm and reassuring behavior will help to contribute to their relaxed disposition.

Traveling with your canine can be fun and hassle-free, only if you follow the right procedures and measures.

From carefully researching the regulations of the country you are traveling to, to confirming your mode of transportation and kitting out your pet with all the essential items, these tips can ensure that your pet remains comfortable and in good health throughout the journey.

Follow these 9 tips as you plan your international trip, and you’ll be on your way to making memories with your furry friend.

That’s all for this list on the 9 Pro Tips For Traveling With Your Furry Friend Internationally!

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Do you have a tip you can add to this list? Leave it in the comments. We’d love to hear your feedback!

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