16 Surprising Hacks You Can Do Using Coca-Cola Around the House!

Coca-Cola is not just for quenching your thirst anymore!

Travel Luxury Living
7 min readSep 12, 2023


This fizzy drink can actually be used for a variety of hacks around the house, from cleaning your pots and pans to removing stains from your fabric. And the best part is that Coca-Cola is an affordable alternative to expensive cleaning products.

Coca-Cola’s unique composition of ingredients such as citric acid and carbonation give it magical superpowers that can help you in ways you never imagined — especially when it comes to cleaning and household hacks. Today, I’m here to share with you 16 amazing ways you can use Coca-Cola in your home to make life easier and cleaner — let’s get started!

1. Rust Removal

Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

Got a rusted tool? Coca-Cola can help! The acid in coke can dissolve rust, which makes the process of removing it much easier. Simply soak the rusted part in a bowl of Coca-Cola overnight. The following day, remove the rust, and voila! Your tool is good as new.

2. Scuff Marks Removal

If your floor has scuff marks that won’t come off with regular cleaning, try this Coca-Cola hack. Pour a small amount of the drink on the affected area, let it settle for a few minutes, and then use a scrub brush or sponge to wipe it off. The acid in the drink will help lift the scuff marks, making them easier to remove.

3. Ant and Bug Trap

Photo by Shardar Tarikul Islam on Unsplash

If you are struggling with ants and bugs, consider using Coca-Cola as an ant trap. Pour a small amount of the drink in a shallow tray, and place it near your ant infestation area. The sugar in the drink attracts the ants and bugs, but the acidity in the Coca-Cola will trap them. This hack is an excellent solution for people who would prefer not to use chemical pesticides in their homes.

4. Toilet Bowl Cleaning

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Coca-Cola may be an unexpected ally in toilet bowl cleaning, but it works! Dump a can of Coke into the bowl and let it sit for an hour. The acids in the drink will break down the stains and mineral deposits. Scrub the bowl as usual, and then flush. Your toilet bowl will be sparkling clean in no time!

5. Jewelry Cleaning

Photo by Mutzii on Unsplash

Do you have dull or tarnished jewelry? Take a small bowl, pour in enough Coca-Cola to submerge the piece of jewelry and let it soak for approximately a few minutes. It dissolves the tarnish that has built up on the jewelry, making it shine. Finally, rinse the jewelry with water, pat dry and voila! Clean and shiny jewelry in minutes.

6. Remove Grease From Your Pots and Pans

Photo by Heather Gill on Unsplash

If you have a set of pots and pans that have grease or burnt-on food, then Coca-Cola can help. Pour some Coke into the pot or pan and let it sit for an hour, then scrub them with soap and water and watch the grease come right off.

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7. Clean Your Floors

Photo by Gil Ribeiro on Unsplash

Want a natural floor cleaner that won’t destroy your floors? Try mixing Coca-Cola and water in a bucket and mop your floors with it.

8. Get Rid of Grass Stains

Got kids who play outside? If they bring grass stains on their clothes, pour Coca-Cola on the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, then wash the clothes in the washing machine.

9. Clean Your Car Battery

Photo by Kumpan Electric on Unsplash

The carbonic acid in Coca-Cola can be used to clean off the battery terminals of your car, removing any corrosion and making it run better.

10. Compost Fertilizer

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Do you have a compost pile in your backyard? Then you can pour Coke on it to speed up the process of breaking down the kitchen scraps into rich soil.

11. Fix a Flat Tire

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

If you ever get a flat tire on the road, pour Coca-Cola on your tire valve and wait for a few minutes, then reattach the pump, and you can inflate the tire again.

12. Eliminate Bugs

Coke is a powerful exception when it comes to roaches, ants, and other bugs. Spray Coca-Cola on the bugs, and this will cause them to die due to the carbonation in the coke.

13. Lose Your Gum

Photo by Aleks Dorohovich on Unsplash

You know the feeling — you get some gum stuck in your hair, and you’re tempted to just chop it off and start fresh. But wait — before you take out the scissors, reach for the cola! Pour a small amount of Coke on the gum, and let it sit for a few minutes. The acids will break down the gum, and it will slide out of your hair effortlessly. Problem solved!

14. Un-clog the Kitchen Sink

Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

Clogged sink drain? Pour a can of cold Coca-Cola into the sink, let it sit for an hour, and then flush with hot water. The acids in the Coca-Cola will break down any buildup and grease, making it easy to flush it all down the drain — and you can save money and time by not calling a plumber!

15. Clean Oil Stains on Your Garage Floor

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The most common place that gets oil stained is your garage floor. Rather than simply wiping it down with bleach, you can use the power of classic Coke to remove the stain instead! Pour a can of Coca-Cola onto the oil stain and let it sit for a few hours, then scrub with a stiff brush and rinse with water. The acid in the Coke’s composition breaks down the grease, making it easier to remove.

16. Remove Blood From Fabric

Similar to the grass stain hack, if you happen to get bloodstains on your clothes or your linen, pour Coke on it and let it sit for a few minutes before washing.

Who knew that Coca-Cola was more than just a refreshing drink?

With the 16 hacks outlined above, you can add it to your arsenal of household cleaners, and impress your friends with your sparkling clean toilet bowl or rust-free outdoor furniture. Also, you can save money that you would’ve spent on specialty cleaning products and repair services by using a little cola.

So, the next time you are sipping on a cold Coke, remember that you could use the drink for more than just quenching your thirst. Enjoy a refreshing drink and then put the powerful elixir to work as you make your life easier and cleaner.

That’s all for this list on the 16 Surprising Hacks You Can Do Using Coca-Cola Around the House!

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Be honest, did you know all 16 of these hacks? Got one to add to the list? Leave it in the comments! :)

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