Top 14 Best Superfoods You Can Store Without Refrigeration for Years

In the quest for healthy, sustainable living, non-perishable superfoods that don’t require refrigeration are a staple.

Travel Luxury Living
7 min readMar 2, 2024


These foods offer a treasure trove of nutrients and a longer shelf life, meaning you can stock up and forget about them until you’re ready to eat.

Below, we’ve curated a list of superfoods that you can store for years without worrying about them going bad.

Whether you’re looking to prepare for emergency situations or just want to improve your diet with long-lasting foods, here’s what you need to know.

Superfoods are those foods that are packed with nutrients and provide numerous health benefits.

However, not all superfoods can be stored for long periods without refrigeration. In this post, we will discuss the 14 best superfoods that you can store without refrigeration for years.

1. Quinoa: The Complete Protein

Known as a complete protein, quinoa is packed with all nine essential amino acids, making it a perfect food for vegetarians and vegans. It’s high in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E, and various beneficial antioxidants. You can store quinoa for up to 2–3 years in a dark, cool place. Just ensure it’s well-sealed to avoid pests and moisture.

2. Chia Seeds: Tiny but Mighty

Chia seeds are tiny but pack a serious nutritional punch. Rich in fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and various micronutrients, these seeds can be stored for 4–5 years in airtight containers. They are incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in everything from oatmeal and smoothies to baked goods.

3. Lentils: A Fiber-Full Superfood

Lentils are legumes known for their high protein and fiber content. They’re also a good source of folate, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. With a shelf life of 1–2 years in a cool, dark place, they make for a nutritional, long-lasting addition to your pantry. Plus, they cook up quickly and can be added to soups, stews, and salads.

4. Hemp Seeds: The Protein Powerhouse

Hemp seeds are another great source of plant-based protein and healthy fats. They contain all nine essential amino acids and are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. You can store hemp seeds for up to a year in a sealed container, and they can be sprinkled over yogurt, salads, or cereal for a nutrient boost.

5. Oats: The Breakfast of Champions

Oats are a whole-grain powerhouse and a rich source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They provide a slow-releasing source of energy and can be stored for 2–3 years if kept in a tightly sealed container. Enjoy them as breakfast porridge, homemade granola, or in savory dishes like meatloaf.

6. Brown Rice: A Staple in Pantries

Brown rice is a nutritious and versatile grain, providing a rich source of protein, fiber, and essential nutrients like manganese, selenium, and magnesium. Store it in a cool, dark place for up to 6 months, or in the freezer for as long as 1–2 years. It’s a perfect side dish, stir-fry base, or ingredient in burritos and grain bowls.

7. Almonds: The Heart-Healthy Nut

Almonds are a superb source of vitamin E, magnesium, and healthy unsaturated fats, which are good for heart health. They can be stored for 2–3 years if kept in a cool, dark place, making them an excellent long-term snack. For variety, you can also purchase almond flour or almond butter, which have similar shelf lives.

8. Canned Fish: A Superior Source of Omega-3

While not entirely a ‘superfood’, canned fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel are incredibly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for heart health. They can be stored for 2–5 years in the pantry, and are perfect for quick meals like fish tacos, salads, or sandwiches.

9. Turmeric: The Golden Spice

Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can be stored for 3–4 years when kept away from light in a sealed container. Add it to curries, smoothies, or a warming turmeric latte for a healthful boost.

10. Black Beans: The Versatile Legume

Black beans are rich in protein, fiber, and an array of vitamins and minerals. They are an excellent source of folate, potassium, iron, and magnesium. Store them in a cool, dark place for up to 2–3 years. From black bean soup to bean burgers, they’re a go-to staple for many healthy recipes.

11. Flaxseeds: The Fiber and Omega-3 Marvel

Flaxseeds are another great source of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. They also contain lignans, which have antioxidant properties that may help prevent cancer. Flaxseeds have a long shelf life of up to 6–12 months when stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer.

12. Buckwheat: The Heart-Healthy Pseudo-Grain

Buckwheat is a gluten-free grain-like seed that is high in protein and fiber. It also contains essential amino acids like lysine and arginine, which promote muscle growth and repair. Buckwheat has a long shelf life of up to 2–3 years when stored properly in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

13. Coconut Oil: The Versatile Superfood Oil

Coconut oil is loaded with medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that help boost metabolism and support brain health. It is also rich in antioxidants and has antimicrobial properties. You can store coconut oil in a cool and dry place for up to two years.

14. Dried Apricots: The Nutrient-Dense Fruit Snack

Dried apricots are a sweet and nutrient-dense snack that is rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber. While fresh apricots are seasonal, their dried counterparts can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to 1–2 years without refrigeration. They are a convenient and healthy snack on their own, and they can also be chopped and added to cereals, baked goods, or trail mix for an extra burst of flavor and energy.

Armed with this list of long-lasting superfoods, you can ensure your pantry is both nutrient-rich and well-stocked for years to come.

Remember to rotate your stock by using the oldest foods first and replenishing your stash with fresh items.

Happy storing and, eventually, happy eating!

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Did we leave something off this list that you think should be on it? Love to hear your feedback in the comments!

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