
Mallory Brown
Travel Mal
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2017

a mystical land of lemurs, baobab trees, and broken bridges

There are some trips that are good for your soul. When the world is so magnificent that you feel insanely small and infinitely powerful at the same time. When you see landscapes that amaze you, meet people that inspire you, and try things that scare you.

Madagascar, your giant trees, endless beaches, neon sunsets, and mystical creatures…you swept me off my feet.

Levitation photo and edit by the talented Malu Veltze
Little drummer boy
Laughing with local women at a fruit stand on the side of the road = my favorite moment of the trip :)
What a wonderful world.
Cutie pie.
Avenue of the Baobab Trees
Her neon pants pulled up so high are the cutest…and that hair. Just love her.
Chameleon staring contest. Winner: Mike Corey
Taking refuge under a truck during a rainstorm
Cheers to the most beautiful sunsets we’ve ever seen…

