All Aboard the “Tourist Bus”

Trekking in Nepal during a revolution

Ryan Chin
Travel Memoirs
Published in
7 min readApr 23, 2024


Eight men are pushing the front of a red pickup truck with a sign in the windshield that says “Tourist Bus.” There are trees along the side of the road.
Push-starting our ride back to Kathmandu during a nationwide strike. Nepal, 2006 — Author Photo

“No drivers for bus! Strike!” said our trekking guide, throwing up his arms. “I find driver, or we walk to Kathmandu tomorrow!

I shrugged and said, “Alright.”

How often have we heard to only worry about what we can…



Ryan Chin
Travel Memoirs

Author of The Big Head Diaries, stories of a lab from NZ, and Without Rain, a multimedia memoir.