The Elephants of Pinnawala, Sri Lanka

As a journalist, I went to investigate the sanctuary

Darren Weir
Travel Memoirs
Published in
9 min readOct 17, 2024


Elephant stands in the middle of a shallow river — looking straight at the camera. There’s a muddy river bank in the background
“You lookin’ at me?” — photos by the author Darren Weir

While planning my relatively short, week-long visit to Sri Lanka I discovered an elephant sanctuary I could visit near Pinnawala. It’s actually called an elephant orphanage.

Orphaned baby elephants? I wanted to go.

My heart was set on it but I had to convince my head that it would be alright. As a former journalist, I did my research, reading as much as I could about the place. And it seemed legitimate.

I care deeply about animal welfare. I’m not a fan of zoos and I despise animal circuses or any place that puts animals in cages or trains and abuses them for human enjoyment. They belong in the wild, in their natural habitat.

The premise of the orphanage was positive. They claimed to rescue orphaned baby elephants found in the jungle as well as animals that were injured and suffering. I read several articles — both positive and negative — before I made the decision to visit and see for myself.

Elephant stands in muddy brown water staring toward the camera. Long flat rocks are behind the elephant, rising up from the river.
Big Ears — Darren Weir



Travel Memoirs
Travel Memoirs

Published in Travel Memoirs

A place for unique and non-fiction stories based on travel memories.

Darren Weir
Darren Weir

Written by Darren Weir

I write about Travel, Photography, Music - Parasol Publications Editor - Publisher of Travel Memoirs - TV News Producer (retired)