Travelling To Fayetteville | Travel Guide

David Clarx
Travel Tips And Experiences
3 min readApr 14, 2021

The city has several accomplishments to flaunt but it chooses its collectedness to speak for itself. Fayetteville is called the land of Fort Bragg. What is Fort Bragg? It a major installation of U.S. Army. Several Hollywood movies have mentioned it proudly. I have lived close to Fayetteville and therefore had made quick trips to this city. But this time it was different. After getting married we moved to New York and got busy with life to turn back and think about Fayetteville for a while. Recently my 9-year-old daughter found my childhood picture inside a museum. The picture caught her eye not because I was in it but because of the giant structures in the backdrop. My daughter wants to become an aeronautical engineer. She considers Kalpana Chawla and Neil Armstrong as her idols. Her room is filled with milky way posters, spaceship toys and encyclopedias on astronomy. Its hard to tell she is only 9 years old when she narrates passages from her encyclopedia. With the picture in one hand and a glass of lemonade in another she quietly sat next to me on the couch. I asked her what’s bothering her. She softly took my hand in hers and said that she wants to go to Fayetteville.

Traveling To Fayetteville

How could I say no such big doe eyes? So, I said yes and asked her to start packing. I only allowed her to pack 2 of her favorite toys because I knew the number of souvenirs and toys she will bring back from Fayetteville. I booked a room in Hampton Inn & Suites, Fayetteville for three days. I asked my husband to make the flight bookings since he is a wizard at getting great deals on flight tickets. I guess I was more excited than my daughter to see my childhood in Fayetteville. The days before our flight were filled with excitement and millions of questions aimed at me. My daughter wanted to know everything about Fayetteville and how much I used to visit, how my parents were when they were young, did I like Ice cream back then as well.

We landed at Fayetteville Regional Airport (FAY). FAY provides daily and seasonal services to passengers. The airport was quiet and looked like it moved at a leisure pace, unlike JFK or Newark Airport. The airport shuttle dropped us at out hotel. The staff at the hotel knew that we were arriving and were prepared to greet us. We were a little tired after our connecting flights so decided to take a nap before moving on with our day. After a refreshing nap and eating complimentary chocolates we both were excited to visit Airborne and Special Operations Museum. We took a taxi to the museum. The driver seemed to know the entire city routes really well. Although it was peak hours, the museum was relatively quiet. My daughter took all of it in and started drilling me with questions about American aircrafts, gadgets and wars. I answered as much as I can with a lot of help from Google. After 4 hours she started to get sleepy and hungry. I took her to my favorite place, Antonella’s Italian Ristorante. I ordered a large pizza, chocolate milkshake and mojitos for the two of us. We both ate our first bite in silence because the pizza was so delicious. I told her this is my favorite spot in the entire city and also where I met his father for the first time.

Next day I took her to Cape Fear Botanica; Garden. She liked the flowers but soon got bored and asked me to take her for lunch. I chose Bubba’s 33 as our lunch spot. We talked about everything for hours and decided to come back here every time I want to relive my childhood. Oh! And I forgot to mention my travel partner. I booked my flights for round trip with the help of Allegiant Airlines Reservations and I was really surprised with the quality assistance I received. Though the flight was delayed a bit but the staff tried to make us comfortable and treated us with some free meals.



David Clarx
Travel Tips And Experiences

Hi, I’m David Clarx. I love to go out of town with some new friends because I love making the new connections that’s why I decide to join this site.