In India, the fellas go crazy with foreign girls!

André Fernandes
Milione Travel Tips
4 min readMay 12, 2015

Well, 3 years have been gone since the time I lived in India — during 2012 — and people still contact me to ask the common questions of someone thinking about India. I’m open to help as I can as it’s normal people face doubts, not so many information available is reliable and accurate. With so many news about rapes in India and harassment, guess what women usually ask me! I’m writing a post about this topic, since another one I wrote in Portuguese had a good repercussion in Brazil. I’m frank and straight to the point: many Indian guys are going to stare at you!

Women walking in Mumbai while being stared by loal men, a common scene faced by women travelers in India. Picture taken from

India is not that violent country where someone is going to show a gun over your face to steal something, but it’s too much conservative regarding women’s rights. Let’s be frank, the cultures there are sexist and conservative, then, women travelers have to pay attention to such aspect! As usually happens in conservative societies, Indian women mostly don’t have the same liberties joined by western women, like walk alone in the streets whenever they want without being harassed and annoyed, for example.

And as in other conservative countries, foreigner women in India are usually noticed as “easy ones”, thus, many crooks enjoy the opportunity to treat them in such a way they’d never treat an Indian woman, like running a hand on a woman’s body, stare at her, asking questions about her intimacy, take pics of her, etc. In the other side, do the same with an Indian girl and guess what happens…. What about ask an Indian guy his sister’s number?

Moreover, Indian media, including Bollywood, conveys the fair skin and fair-skinned women as an exotic beauty standard, above any average. So, the combo vagina + white skin literally move mountains in India! Consequently, Indian fellas go crazy! Stare at a fair skin woman like they’ve never seen a woman in their lives, which usually let foreigner women uncomfortable. Be with foreigners in India is cool, even more go out with a foreigner girl, it’s the coolest thing ever! It’s common foreigners being flattered and receive some VIP treatments for parties and events, and even have some status of local celebrities.

Well, nothing in this world is for free! Foreigner women have to be careful with the invitations of many Indian guys thinking how to use them on following ways:

· Easy sex, because sex with Indian girls doesn’t work neither fuc$&*#@;

· Use a foreigner girl to show off, as it’s the coolest thing ever…;

· Don’t pay the entry at the clubs, as in many places in India girls and couples don’t have to pay;

· Promote events, as foreigner women are a great attractive at a party that makes possible to bars and clubs charge higher prices for the entry, and many guys pay to stare at them!

If you be careful and avoid the bad friendships, no problem, it’s OK! But, anyway, you have to be really careful with who you trust in! Even though when there’s no relationship, Indian guys in general tend to be extremely possessive with women: you understand he’s your friend and he understands you’re his girl, you know?

Once they see themselves in your social circle, they feel with the right to invade your privacy, decide whether you can go and not, to play childish psychological games, etc. If you don’t say “No!” in the beginning, it’s not easy to run away from their games.

If you go to India, especially for a long time, it’s part of the process. Sometimes I used to slap some faces and argue with someone running a hand on a friend of mine, it’s fucking bullshit, right? And what solutions can be taken? Firstly, pay attention to who you trust in, remember that Indians usually don’t trust in too many people out of their families… In addition, it’s worthy for women to pay attention to the following tips:

· No necklines and sexy clothes, and not so many Indian girls use jeans (normally, only the single girls use jeans);

· Cover the necks, shoulders and legs;

· Don’t go out alone at night and in empty places;

· Travel in group;

· When using public transportation, get the parts reserved to women. If it’s mixed, avoid the rush times;

· When get a cab or autorickshaw, get as always as possible, those registered by a license. Take pics of the vehicle’s numbers and of the driver. Let him know about it;

· Be careful with the invitations and show off of many guys coming into your way;

· When a guy stare at you, be firm and straight. Don’t express fear!;

· Use a ring to pretend you’re married/engaged also helps!

I hope to clarify a little bit of this topic along this post, as it’s the biggest culture shock that foreigner women face in India. In case of doubts and polemics, why shy away to talk about?

For travel tips and questions, you can reach me on Twitter, Instagramand on Facebook.



André Fernandes
Milione Travel Tips

My purpose: help others to discover different places, cultures and perspectives! Born in Brazil to be a global citizen!