Museums and art scene in Kiev

André Fernandes
Milione Travel Tips
4 min readAug 18, 2016

I didn’t visit all the museums in Kyiv, but certainly, the city offers attractions for museum lovers, as well as to get in touch with Ukrainian art and history. Below, I describe 3 museums that I visited on my current visit to Ukraine plus some art I saw around the city.

National Museum of the History of Ukraine

It is an interesting place for those who love history! This museum has collections of artifacts from Ukrainian ancient times until nowadays. Founded in 1899 as the Museum of Antiquities and Arts, had its name and location changed several times until the current name of the National Museum of Ukrainian History in 1991. Its collections contain archaeological artifacts, weapons, decorative art, early printed books, and relics of Ukrainian history.

Currently located at Volodymyrska Street, 2. More details on the website in Ukrainian and English languages:

Examples of ancient jewelry used by Ukrainian nobles. National Museum of the History of Ukraine, Kiev
Early printed book in Ukrainian language. National Museum of the History of Ukraine, Kiev

Pinchuk Art Centre

A center for contemporary art founded in 2006 by Victor Pinchuk Foundation. Pinchuck Art Centre aims to bridge international challenges and the Ukrainian national identity throughout productions, collections, presentations, and projects.

Located at Velyka Vasylkivska/Baseyna Street, 1/3–2 “A” Block. More information on their

Exhibition at Pinchuck Art Centre. Kyiv, Ukraine. Picture was taken from

Kyiv Water Museum

The Kyiv Water Museum is an educational center located at one of the buildings were used to be based on the central water supply in the city, built-in 1876. It was established in 2003 by Kyiv’s city government with the support of the Ministry of Environment of Denmark during the conference “Environment for Europe”.

The museum exposes the history of water supply in Kyiv, in addition to examples of irrational waste of water in our daily lives, models of an artesian well and waste collector, Excursions are available in Ukrainian, Russian, and English under request. Located at Kreschaty Park.

Entrance of Kiev Water Museum. Kiev, Ukraine
Old waterpipe used for water supply in Kiev. Kiev Water Museum, Ukraine

Street Art

Another interesting aspect of Kyiv is the art scene present in the city’s landscape in the middle of the urban space. The first example that comes to my mind is the children park on Peizazhnaya Alley and Desyatinny Street, with the blue cats on the wall. It was a creation of the sculptor K. Skretusky.

It’s me at Children Park! Kyiv, Ukraine
The cool and funny art scene in Kyiv, Ukraine

Not less interesting are the paintings that feature street art in Kyiv. On this website The Murals of Kyiv, you can map the murals around the city, as well as suggest murals that aren’t on the list.

Example of mural painting in Kiev, Ukraine
Another example of mural painting in Kyiv, Ukraine

And walking along with the city, I got surprised by this cool sculpture, too!

Cool cat sculpture in Kyiv, Ukraine

PS: You can check the pictures I take on my Instagram account andref.anjos and through the hashtag #feelukraine.

For travel tips and questions, you can reach me on Twitter, Instagram and on Facebook.



André Fernandes
Milione Travel Tips

My purpose: help others to discover different places, cultures and perspectives! Born in Brazil to be a global citizen!