Saint Petersburg, Russia

André Fernandes
Milione Travel Tips
3 min readMay 13, 2015

In Russia, I visited San Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod. I didn’t travel to other parts of the country due to my limited budget. These 2 cities permited me to see the country under 2 perspectives: the life in a big city and in a small city.

Saint Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities I’ve already visited until now. I’m literally suspect to talk about this city! I’ll never forget how I got instantly fascinated with the beauty of the architecture and the Neva river as I just arrived there.

Beautiful buildings built on the 17th and 18th centuries, combined with medieval Russian buildings, give to Saint Petersburg an unique atmosphere. It’s a city that was built to put Russia on the map, to show the force of the czarist regime from the blood and sweat of millions of persons who worked to build that city. I’m not going to get into details of the monuments and attractions, as I’d need to write at least one post about each one of them and there are lots of websites already doing it. I stayed a week exploring that city and I don’t even know where to start from. Below, I added some pics to give a clue about the city.

For the party people, San Petersburg is also full of options! The city has lots of amazing clubs and bars, in addition to lots of students! If you think Russians are freeze and introvert, go to the parties and take your conclusions! Amazing nightlife!

In the Nevsky Prospekt, the main avenue in the city
Kazan cathedral, in the Nevsky Prospekt Avenue
View along the Neva river
Hermitage Museum



André Fernandes
Milione Travel Tips

My purpose: help others to discover different places, cultures and perspectives! Born in Brazil to be a global citizen!