Tips about Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

André Fernandes
Milione Travel Tips
3 min readMay 14, 2015

Sarajevo is a mandatory place to visit for anyone travelling throughout Eastern Europe. Besides of welcoming, this beautiful city has a rich history, it’s easy to walk by, surrounded by mountains and very cheap. It was really remarkable for me to see Muslims and Christians together and showing mutual respect!

Local people are very receptive and friendly, it doesn’t look like the sad episodes of war lived in the city during the 1990’s. It’s still possible to see shooting marks from the war on the walls and on the buildings as we walk around the city. It was a big lesson for me to see how they keep on moving with their lives after all that happened. Due to the past conflicts, Bosnians and other countries in the Balkans are still misunderstood.

Well, to get the essence of Sarajevo, I advise the following tips:

Visit the old town: mosques, churches, synagogues, stores, cafés — it’s the place where you can feel the history of Sarajevo.

Sebilj, a wooden stone fountain in the old town of Sarajevo
Shooting marks of the past conflicts in the wall of a local building

Eat cevap: original from Sarajevo, the cevap is a kind of burger meat roasted in a grid followed by bread and onion. The best cevap you’re going to eat is in Bosnia, no more comments!

I hope you enjoy a good cevap as I enjoyed in Sarajevo!

Turkish coffee: one of the marks of the Turkish influence in Sarajevo, it’s worth to try at a local café, usually full of people during the whole day.

Turkish coffee is also popular in Sarajevo

Burek: a veneer meat with spinach, another food typical from the Balkans. And the best bureks, you also find in Sarajevo, trust me!

Best burek I’ve ever eaten!

Sarajevsko Beer: a local beer, you can buy it at local supermarkets. I recommend!

Why not a Sarajevsko beer with chocolate?

See Sarajevo from above: the view of Sarajevo from the top is really amazing! And there are several options to do it!

One of the views of Sarajevo from the top

Eat at a pekara: a pekara is mix of bakery and fast food, typical in the Balkan countries, selling local dishes. Excellent option for those who are travelling on budget!

For travel tips and questions, you can reach me on Twitter, Instagram and on Facebook.



André Fernandes
Milione Travel Tips

My purpose: help others to discover different places, cultures and perspectives! Born in Brazil to be a global citizen!