Did You Ever Heard About Ambuluwawa Temple?

Viraj Madhushan
Travel — Sri Lanka
4 min readMar 26, 2021
Ambuluwawa Tower
Ambuluwawa Tower

— About Ambuluwawa —

A standalone mountain top the Ambuluwawa peak is well known amongst locals. It is situated in Gampola and its clear and apparent presence marks a familiar landmark giving character to the region. Wherever you may go in the bustling town, Ambuluwawa looms in the distance. Gampola was rooted in history for it was a kingdom and capital of Sri Lanka under the rule of King Bhuwanekabahu IV in the 13th Century AD.

The Ambuluwawa biodiversity complex was opened in 2009 and is widely introduced as the first multi-religious center and biodiversity complex of Sri Lanka. It comprises of a small temple, kovil, mosque and a church on the peak. Therefore, people of all religions visit this mountain marking it as a symbol of harmony and unity in Sri Lanka.

The path that curves and cuts through the mountain leads you to a large gate that allows visitors without any footwear.
Upon entering the premises, you will see the signboard which reads as the Biodiversity complex and Religions Center.
On the entrance gate, there are symbols of all four religions which indicate spiritual diversity. The towering structure of the stupa rising from the center of an open auditorium monopolies the entire complex. However, the garden that lies opposite is home to a mosque, kovil, church and Buddhist temple and Bo Tree.

An observation building sits at the other end of the complex which gives plenty of breathtaking views of the surrounding areas. This section was built for this purpose and has a second stairway which takes form of a star shape design. A third structure on the top is a tribute to Sri Pada or Adam’s Peak, with the mark of the large sacred footprint within a glass display. The highlight of the climb of this Ambuluwawa Mountain is the ascent of the stupa, which has a spiral stairway that stretches up and along the outer peripheral of the stupa.

The sights encountered at the beginning of the journey simply look miniature and the town of Gampola seems but a faint echo in the distance. Visit this site and watch the world unfold you leaving you in astonishment.

— Our Journey —

Date : 20th March, 2021

Time was nearly 5.30am. That was a beautiful & energetic day from all the way. First of all I headed to Peradeniya town to pick-up my fiancée. She already prepared our breakfast snacks for us.

Then we quickly headed to Peradeniya railway station to catch the train to Kandy town. Train left Peradeniya at 5.55am and it took only 15 minutes to reach the Kandy Town.

Kandy Station — Waiting for next train

The Kandy to Gampola train leave the Kandy station at 6.30am. That was the amazing journey traveling Kandy to Gampola by Train. That morning scenery which we saw, that was incredible. We took our breakfast just before we reach the Gampola.

It was 7.20am when we reached to Gampola town . Then when we reached the Ambuluwawa mountain it was 8.30am. Of-course, everyone should take the tickets from entrance. It was Rs.100/= to a local elder person. There was little bit price difference among Foreigners and Locals but it doesn’t much.

The coolest part of the journey was hiking the mountain. It was easy hike but surrounding is absolutely incredible. You can reach top of the mountain using vehicle but my opinion is you should take experience of the walking.

You can see Gampola Town from the top

It took 1 & 1/2 hours to reached the top of the mountain. Then we visited all the religious places and we climbed the top of the Ambuluwawa Tower within 2 hours.

After that we took our lunch from small local restaurant and we back to headed to Gampola Town.Within 6 hours we ended our tour and I do not have a word to describe the how amazing was that.

OK every one that’s our Ambuluwawa journey and hope you get rough idea about the that. Let’s will meet at another journey as soon as possible.

Thank You.



Viraj Madhushan
Travel — Sri Lanka

Passionate learner of AI and Robotics. Always exploring new technologies to stay ahead of emerging trends. Hiking and reading enthusiast.