Playing tag with whales in Mozambique

Fabian Thylmann
Travel with SoFa
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2016

Watching Humpback Whales in the Bazaruto Archipelago

We had another first yesterday when we went to look for humpback whales off the coast of Mozambique. The area we were staying in for a few days of beach is known for these impressive animals.

Amazing creatures, sadly difficult to predict their movements so taking good pictures tends to be tricky. We had some right next to our boat a couple of times, but always a pure surprise when they showed up! Sadly we only saw one big jump and that one was rather far away.

At one point there were so many around us that we heard their calls outside of the water. Our guide would not believe it so he ran to the back of the boat and stuck his head into the water to hear them better.

Dolphins accompanied some of the whales too, and at one point we saw a spinner dolphin jumping out of the water in front of us.

Below is a collection of the few nice shots we were able to make.



Fabian Thylmann
Travel with SoFa

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