To write or not to write

The beginnings of yet another travel blog

Fabian Thylmann
Travel with SoFa
3 min readAug 2, 2016


Over the past 2 years or so friends of us have asked us more and more often why we are not writing a travel blog. “I would be your biggest fan”, they would say. “You never have time to tell me all the details“, a very good friend told us, “So write it down, and let me read all about it! In the end we are all stalkers.”

Our friends are of course biased, but since literally everyone would ask us and eagerly would listen to the few stories we would tell them, we did finally give in and decided to just give it a try.

90,000km, 59 cities, 24 countries, in the last 7 months

What makes us different? Nothing actually, we are normal human beings like all of you. We are simply very lucky to be able to travel, a lot. In the past 7 months alone, we traveled over 90,000km, visited 59 cities in 24 countries, within roughly 100 travel days.

We are writing this post (for the second time, because the damn Medium app has no offline mode and we lost the first version!) mid-air on our trip to the next destination: South Africa and Mozambique. Although we love exploring new cities and cultures, our first trip to Southern Africa is all about animals by visiting four different lodges in various game reserves, followed by a few relaxing days on the lovely beaches of Benguerra Island in Mozambique.

Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars

Throughout our writing you will often see two points of view about a particular experience or different opinions of what was special on a given trip. As they say, Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars, and in our case this is emphasized by extremely different life experiences until our paths crossed almost 3 years ago.

All our posts are made by both of us together. Usually started by one of us, then extended with cursive writing by the other. Who is who, you will see through the original author that started the article. We will write in English, but our respective mother tongue (German and Croatian) will surely be used here and there to emphasize a point.

Sunrise starting over southern Africa

Bare with us while we get this blog going and get the setup just right. You can expect stories about our various trips; reviews of hotels we stayed at, restaurants we ate at or planes we flew in; fun anecdotes of things that crosses our paths; or just our thoughts about things that are close to our hearts.

We usually post up-to-date travel info on our personal Facebook and/or Twitter accounts, so follow us there too. Our Medium blog is likely going to be a few days delayed, but will also have flashback posts from the past years of our travels.

Happy travels, good people of the world!



Fabian Thylmann
Travel with SoFa

Dad, Geek, Petrolhead, Investor - @STATSNETCube, @BOOTSHAUS_Club, @GiantSwarm, @GosuApp, @PreCouture, @ShelterrWorld, @getOkolo, @frontbackapp