Berlin Wall

Keith Parkins
Travel Writers
Published in
1 min readMay 11, 2019
Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall divided East from West Berlin.

Those who attempted to cross the Wall, to escape from East Berlin to West Berlin, were shot.

The U-Bahn still ran through East Berlin, passing through stations, but did not stop.

The only crossing point Checkpoint Charlie.

When the wall came down, it was thought to be the end of walls. But no.

Walls have been built in Belfast dividing communities, Nicosia is divided, the only divided city in the world where the Green Line passes through the city, one half of the island of Cyprus free the other half occupied by Turkey since 1974, Donald Trump wishes to build a wall, facebook entices into a walled garden, where users are corralled, kept under contrast surveillance, manipulated.



Keith Parkins
Travel Writers

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.