loveholidays scam website

Keith Parkins
Travel Writers
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2018

Beware many booking websites are blatant scams.

loveholidays scam website

Find a deal on loveholidays, in this case £99 per night for a side-sea view at a 5* hotel. Not the cheapest room.

And this was claimed to be a massive saving of £285 from the claimed price of £384 per night.

Click to book, fill out all booking details, name, address, credit card details, click confirm, and are then told to call their number. Forced to listen to a load of bullshit, basically telling you to book on their website.

Eventually get a real person. They try to claim no that is not the price, give a higher price, even though that is the price showing on the screen.

They also tried to claim I had gone through Trivago. I had not.

Person the other end slams the phone down which says it all.

Check price again, refresh the screen, still showing at £99 per night.

Several hours later, still showing the price of £99 per night.

Then to add insult to injury, an e-mail to say the offer is still waiting for me.

Hi Keith,

Thank you for visiting loveholidays today. We noticed your interest in making a booking with us. If you’d still like to book that hotel stay, you can find the most recent hotel you looked at still waiting for you by clicking on the button below.

Do you have any queries or questions we could answer? If you’d prefer to speak directly with one of our travel advisors, please give us a call on 01903 258 298, quoting the reference number XXXXXXXX.

A marginal change in price, £2000 for twenty days when clicked which took through to booking form. Required to complete details as before, name, address, telephone number, e-mail, credit card details. Same reference number. Would it once again have then asked to call the number and quote booking reference? When through, as before say the prices does not exist, which works out at £100 per day? I do not know, I did not try.

The hotel has been informed of the scam, and asked not to deal with this company.

They are concerned, and aware of these scams. Rooms are being bought, then sold to third parties, over which they have no control and would not deal with.

Check with hotel. The artificial high price is not the price the hotel is charging.

Amoma is another of these scam booking websites. Find a price, fill out the booking details, then note has changed the dates. Call a number in Switzerland, they too claim must have gone through Trivago, not true, had gone direct, and quoted a much higher price. Claimed they were top three booking sites. Really? I had never before heard of them. Informed hotel.

If have passed credit card details to these websites, then important to speak with bank and block card payment.



Keith Parkins
Travel Writers

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.