Market Day Louth

Keith Parkins
Travel Writers
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2020
Auction House overlooking market day in Louth
Auction House overlooking market day in Louth

I visited Louth a year ago, tucked in the foothills of the Lincolnshire Wolds. I found a dead and dying town, few people around. I was told visit on market day.

The previous week Look North had visited Louth. It showed a thriving market, which is more than can be said of Lincoln, where the local council does everything it can to kill what little is left of the market, their latest to kick out the fruit and vegetable stall that generated at least 80% of the footfall.

Today Wednesday, market day in Louth.

At Lincoln Central Bus Station, a crowd waiting for the bus. I did not fancy travelling on a crowded bus. I hoped for a double-decker bus. A single-decker bus pulled into the bay. Fortunately only four got on the bus, and I was the only one who went to Louth.

An hour by bus. The last time it seemed to take forever to get out of Lincoln, but not today, little traffic.

The bus continues on to Mablethorpe. I was tempted, but after an hour on the bus I had had enough. It was another hour on to Mablethorpe.

It started raining as the bus left Lincoln, and continued to rain all the way.

I alighted from the bus as it pulled into Louth and continued on foot. Luckily the rain had eased off.

I asked a couple of times for directions to the market. A maze of streets and alleys and easy to become disoriented.

But first I looked in Beaumont’s near the church with the spire for which Louth is famous. An excellent deli. Noticing they had chocolate I suggested they stock chocolate from Louisa’s and Bullion, both are relatively local.

As it was on Look North, a thriving market, and unlike my previous visit and as I had been told, busy. A busy market attracts people into the town.

I wandered around the market, a quick look around the town, then back to the market.

Word has reached Louth of the disgusting treatment of a market stall in Lincoln.

The last time I was in Louth I had noticed Auction House and thought it would make a wonderful coffee house. Today open, as a coffee shop and serving food.

I looked in and said I would pop back.

A long wait for a table, one never became free. Would I wish to sit outside? I had not been told they had tables outside, where I preferred to sit.

Catching return bus at 1550, the bus station several minutes walk from the town centre and not signposted, I was the only passenger, apart from a lady who alighted just outside Louth.

Arriving back in Lincoln, I noticed how drab and run down compared with Louth.



Keith Parkins
Travel Writers

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.