New fruit and vegetable stall Lincoln Central Market

A new fruit and vegetable stall Nathan Willows Fresh Produce has opened in Lincoln Central Market.

Keith Parkins
Travel Writers
3 min readAug 4, 2020


Nathan Willows Fresh Produce new fruit and vegetable stall Lincoln Central Market

This week, a new fruit and vegetable stall Nathan Willows Fresh Produce opened within Lincoln Central Market.

Quality, a novelty for Lincoln Central Market.

Not to be confused with the outdoor stall that has relocated within the market.

It is still a great loss, the fruit and vegetable stall that has been kicked out by dysfunctional local council bully boys. Worthless jobsworths responsible should be fired, a public apology by the council and compensation to the stallholders. Remaining traders should be compensated for loss of business and receive a rent reduction. The evicted stall accounted for at least 80% of market footfall.

Those who miss Steve and Beth, subscribe to their veg box scheme, also visit when they have their farm shop up and running.

Quality is the norm Trinity Market in Hull, but a novelty for Lincoln where the dysfunctional council could not organise a piss up in a brewery and still lacks a viable market.

But the new stall is a step in the right direction and run by a pleasant and helpful young man.

All we now need to see is renovation, more quality stalls, and kick out the tat.

For those who can remember, the new fruit and veg stall is where there was once a short lived excellent spice stall.

The new fruit and vegetable stall is not only quality produce and excellent service, it is also zero waste plastic free, fresh produce is loose, buy as little or as much as want, pop in a brown paper bag and a strong brown paper carrier bag to carry it away.

The fruit and vegetable stall compliments Forage & Fill, the zero waste stall that opened a month ago, dried goods, soap, shampoo.



Keith Parkins
Travel Writers

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.