No international travel anytime soon

Keith Parkins
Travel Writers
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2020
easyJet boarding at Gatwick Airport
easyJet boarding at Gatwick Airport

I won’t be booking a summer holiday at this point. Let’s put it that way. — Grant Shapps Transport Sec

Airlines trashed the planet then spread covid-19 around the world.

It cannot be return to normal as normal was not normal.

We have peace and quiet, can hear birdsong, low levels of pollution, traffic-free streets.

Greece which is in lockdown, has explicitly barred tourists from UK.

UK is in lockdown for a further three weeks.

UK is headed to be worst effected country in Europe thanks to failure to act sooner.

FCO advice, no foreign travel indefinite. Passports are not being renewed.

Insurance companies have pulled travel insurance, those that still offer, have excluded codid-19 cover and I daresay hiked the price.

When people have experienced lockdown, social distancing, they are going to think twice to pass through a busy airport, sit on a crowded plane.

A Qantas flight to Brisbane on in the middle of covi-19 pandemic, passengers packed in like sardines, illustrates why no one will be flying anytime soon.

EasyJet grounded indefinitely, forecast to run out of money by August, is it their idea of a joke, we will leave the middle seat in a row empty?

If assume Airbus A320, would have to have one person on a row of three seats, no one in the row in front or behind, no one in the row aisle opposite. If assume 100 euros flight Gatwick to Larnaca, would have to charge 900 euros, and this is not even 2 metres separation, nor does it take account of breathing in the same air for over four hours.

In China, one passenger on a bus infected nine fellow passengers.

On landing, aircraft would have to be thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated, not a quick turnaround and tidy by the crew.

At airport, temperature screening, facilities to isolate and quarantine.

Cabin crew on an American airline and BA have tested positive for covid-19.

Two Border Force officers at Heathrow have died. Fifteen employees of Transport for London have died.

What is sickening, easyJet are still promoting international travel. An e-mail received entitled ‘Imagine yourself in the Canary Islands’.

Tax dodging conman Richard Branson who is demanding a taxpayer funded £500 million bailout is flying near empty planes across the Atlantic.

But if not fly, a cruse ship?

Cruise ships are floating environmental disasters, floating plague ships, flights to and from start and end of a cruise.

Cruise ships are floating all-inclusive hotels, a disaster where ever they dock.

Venice is being destroyed by cruse ships.

Athens when a cruise ship docks, streets are clogged by passengers, streets clogged and polluted by tour buses, and no money flows into the local economy.

Those who think we are nearing the end, we are not, we are at the beginning of coronavirus pandemic.

The Black Death ravaged Europe for two hundred years. Venice lost a third of its population and never recovered.

We have no vaccine, there may be no vaccine.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, much to the chagrin of the tourist industry, has warned there will be no summer holiday this year, do not book a summer holiday.



Keith Parkins
Travel Writers

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.