Tour companies and airlines renege on refunds for cancelled trips

Keith Parkins
Travel Writers
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2020
easyJet boarding Gatwick to Larnaca

Anyone who has had booked holiday or flight cancelled claim your money back now.

For cancellations tour companies have to refund within two weeks, airlines within a week.

Do not accept vouchers. Vouchers are worthless, as Thomas Cook clients learnt the hard way when Thomas Cook went bust last year.

Zombie tour company tui in debt to tune of 2 billion euros, and that was before coronavirus crises.

Do not accept vouchers, demand refund in cash or payment into card account.

Claim now, government is poised to suspend your rights to protect the industry.

No way should government or tourists bail out tour companies or airlines.

They trashed the planet then spread covid-19 around the world.

At the weekend, flights into UK from Iran, Rome and China.

Passengers crammed into queues at Heathrow and Manchester .

Unlike other countries, in UK borders are open, airports are open.

Airlines, airports and travel companies are operating in a parallel world, social distancing, it does not apply to us Guv.

Money should bail out people and small indie businesses, then finance Green New Deal, not airlines, not airports, not travel companies.

If you have paid a deposit for a package holiday and balance now due, pay the balance, even though may sound counter-intuitive. If do not pay balance due, will lose the deposit, if pay the balance due and holiday cancelled, entitled to full refund, if tour company goes bust (highly likely with tui) and Atol protected will eventually get a refund.

Note: EasyJet, tui, Britsh Airways refusing to refund or making it very difficult to claim a refund.



Keith Parkins
Travel Writers

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.