Hiking in Malmö, Sweden

Igor Budasov
Published in
10 min readMar 13, 2019

This weekend I’ve spent in Malmo, Sweden, where we get for hiking. The ticket to Malmo costed too much, so we get to Copenhagen, Denmark, and on this ugly bus we get to Malmo:

Malmo has got a Central station and the main square close to it. Typical.

The rest of the day we spent exploring the city. A regular yard looks like this, which is quite nice, but slightly missing gezellig

Also there is a more unique garden, with a submarine and an interceptor just casually parked in there

In the middle of the city there is a cemetery, which looks like a park, and people actually treat it like a park

The city is full of beautiful details

Modern artists and architectures didn’t forget Malmö

Turning Torso building is somewhat of spectacular thing

The building is nice and attractive for tourists and hipsters, but it’s located in some sort of industrial ares, reminiscing Amsterdam Noord

Right behind the building there is 3 kilometres of beach

The area around the beach looks exactly like my hometown: grids of similar buildings, drinking youth, kinda boring and empty

Sweden is also known of its energy drinks company — Nocco, which stands for: No carbs company, and here are much more flavors

The hiking

Next day our hiking has started.

We’ve chosen https://www.skaneleden.se/en/etapp/15-hackeberga-sturup . This website is a treasure: so many trails, nice map planner and travel advices.

Once you’ve chosen the trail to conquer, you can get *.gpx file for your navigator, because regular GoogleMaps do not work here, and navigation by trail marks is kinda risky in my opinion.

First thing we’ve found is an ancient water mill

The route starts with a map (there will be few more maps on the route), and the trail is marked with orange marks

The route took 16kilos, and it was quite easy, we thought it would be harder. Somehow Swedish people can keep autumn forest even in the winter

There are plenty of swamps with typical blueberries, reminds the cover and the album of one of my favourite bands

Woods are just massive here

Some trees here are just gigantic, look at this one and Maria for scale:

Never forget to have lunch and something in between, alright?

Somewhere you can see such a constructions, probably for spotting deers or something

Seems like something terrible lives in the woods — there is an electric fence

We managed to find a baby-deer and almost caught it, have only this picture for you

Also we’ve found something reminiscing a ventilation pipe of a bunker, which appeared to be just a source of water

When the forest ends, the landscape reminds something Scottish of Irish

It’s kinda difficult to explain, but there I felt like I belong to this place: it’s real me here, just in proper time, with proper health conditions and abilities, with matching gear, and I’m going where I’m going only because of I want to, not because of I have to, so many matching things have become a one single picture. I felt exactly in the right place in the right time, I didn’t want to be anywhere else. Maria said, this is the feel of happiness. Never had such a thing before. I expect more hiking experiences soon!

Back to Malmö

For some reason electric scooters are just booming here. Have no idea why, what are the benefits in comparison to bikes? And people drop them literally everywhere

There also was a park, a park for children. Just look at this!

Yep, there is a mosque in the middle of the park. Somehow.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Next day we get to Copenhagen, just to walk around, nothing special.

We’ve found this beauty, gonna suggest Nikolay Maliarenko for our next trip

A little bit of cityscape

We even managed to get to Orthodox Christian church there, old school style

The rest of the day we spent sitting in a marina

And walking among those colourful buildings, which Copenhagen is famous for

This is it! Thanks for reading such a long post!



Igor Budasov

A traveller. A drinker. A photographer. A blogger. An engineer.