Hop on: Philadelphia to London

Antonia DePace
Toni Lee Sees: a Travel Blog
2 min readMay 6, 2016

And so the journey begins. After three plus months of filling out scholarships, researching, buying, and then packing, I am here at the airport waiting to board my flight and begin my three weeks in Aix-en-Provence, France.

It has been two years since I last traveled outside of the United States, and I could not be more excited. My experience with Emerson’s Kasteel Well was so fun and eye-opening that I never thought that I would find anything that could compare. But then I found the Global Pathways program to Aix, and with the help of my advisor, applied (To my Kasteel family: don’t worry, you still hold a special place in my heart.)

This trip will be very different, but in a good way. I will be studying in Aix for three weeks, taking french lessons with IS-Aix, and exploring southern France just as I had wanted to when I was last in Europe. I will also be living with a host family, whom I will be expected to speak to in french (I’ve only taken two years of the language).

As this is my first blog post, out of the many, for this trip, I wanted to take the time to thank everyone who donated and supported me so that I could be sitting here at the Philadelphia Airport three hours before departure time. Without your donations, it would have been really hard to make this trip work, so it truly means the world to me. You have made a dream come true.

As promised, I will be keeping a blog filled with photos and stories about my adventures. And, hopefully, they will be much more exciting than this one. I’ll be sure to post them on social media, but just in case (or if you are really interested) you can follow my account here, on medium, so that you can receive updates every time I post.

Thank you, again, to everyone who helped! Look for a post from Aix soon.

à bientôt!

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