Flying vs. Driving to Your Destination

Haley Hahn
Traveling Experiences
2 min readNov 14, 2018

Whenever one travels, they always have to decide whether to fly or to drive. Most people base it off of the price and the distance, but there are many more things to consider.

The first thing you need to consider is packing. When you fly, there are luggage fees and weight limits for suitcases. This can be a hassle. If you drive, there are no fees, but the suitcases can take up a lot of space in your car. Money is also important to think about. Flights can be very expensive, but driving can also be costly because gas money adds up.

Timing is important to consider as well. If you are flying, you have to get to the airport extra early and wait in long lines, but you will get to your destination faster. If you drive you don’t have to check in anywhere, but you can get stuck in traffic. Many people also think about the scenery. If you are flying, it is amazing to look out of the window and see the world below you- but you can only do this if you have a window seat. In a car, everybody has a window seat and you can see the scenery better.

Safety is very important to think about as well. You are more likely to get in a car crash than a plane crash. If you are driving, you cannot relax and get work done, while if you are on a plane, you can. If you are in a car you can stop at any time and get out to stretch or go to the restroom. If you are in a plane, that is much more of a hassle, not to mention you can’t just get off of the plane at any moment.

In conclusion, there are many different factors to consider when deciding whether to fly or drive to your destination.

Try out this “Fly or Drive Calculator”

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