What are the Benefits of Traveling? (synthesis) - #1

Haley Hahn
Traveling Experiences
3 min readOct 22, 2018

Many people don’t travel because it is costly and time consuming, but those are the people that are missing out on life-changing experiences. Traveling has many benefits, and each one is very important.

If you travel and get out of your office or school, it can help decrease depression and anxiety. The article states that “traveling changes you physically and physiologically.” Another reason you should travel is because traveling disconnects you from your daily life. Life can be stressful and frustrating, and sometimes people get to the point where they are ready to burst. Traveling takes your mind off of your crazy daily life, and it helps you to relax and have fun. The human brain needs a break every once in a while, and it is good for you to take a step back, take a deep breath, and enjoy yourself.

Traveling also makes you smarter, believe it or not. Many people travel for the enjoyment of it, but they don’t realize that they are actually learning new things along the way. You can learn new languages and learn about different cultures. The article explains it best: “Even more than ‘just’ languages, traveling helps you learn about yourself. You might run into challenging situations where you need to be resourceful and think differently.” The article also says, “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” This quote helps explain that traveling broadens your knowledge.

Traveling also makes you more interesting and appealing. If you travel abroad, people back home will love to hear your stories. You can bring a new perspective into a social situation. This excerpt from the passage explains it well: “Who do you think people want to listen to: the guy who spent his vacations at home doing some gardening and reading the newspaper, or the one who spent a week in Cuba, driving an old American car, swimming with dolphins and tasting deliciously spicy food? I know which story I want to hear about…”

One of the best advantages of traveling is getting to try new, local foods from around the world. The article says that “there is no such thing as trying a typical local dish from another country.” Going to Panda Express isn’t the same as getting Chinese food from China. The article also says, “Eating local food in a new country is an entirely new experience. All the flavors are different.” If you haven’t tried local food from another country or culture, you will be pleasantly surprised when you finally do.

Traveling also expands your social network. It is an amazing experience to establish a connection and build a network with someone from abroad. The article explains it best: “Some connections you make over your travels are surprisingly strong.” It says it all there- meet new people in new places, and you will become a more social person, not to mention that you will make many lifelong friends.

Lastly, traveling creates lifelong memories that you will cherish forever. You will have many stories to tell to your kids, to your kids’ kids, and so on. Traveling creates memories that you will never forget. The article says, “No matter how insignificant it may seem, the fact that you’ve had an experience abroad, something that was out of the ordinary, creates a memory that you will remember for a long time.” The best memories are created when you are doing something that you love.

In conclusion, traveling has many benefits and rewards. Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”

Works Cited: https://www.claimcompass.eu/blog/benefits-of-travelling/

