LeetCode 633. Sum of Square Numbers — JavaScript

Gary Huang
Traveling Light Taipei
Jun 17, 2024
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var judgeSquareSum = function(c) {
const sqrt = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(c))
for(let i=sqrt; i>=0;i--) {
let tmp = c
if(Math.sqrt(tmp-i*i) % 1 === 0) return true
return false

0 is the square of 0 and 0. if Math.sqrt(n)%1===0 means n is perfect square

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Gary Huang
Traveling Light Taipei

自學程式,目前爲 React 前端工程師,兼職線上課程業師,協助程式自學者就業。熱愛旅遊,將近 30 個國家。訂閱我的旅行與街舞 YT :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEU-bEDl7R-iGyLVZFae33g