LeetCode : 71. Simplify Path — JavaScript solution

Gary Huang
Dublin so code
Published in
Jun 28, 2022

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var simplifyPath = function(path) {
let arr = path.split('/')
let stack = []
for(e of arr) {
if(e === '..') stack.pop()
else if(e !== '.' && e !== '') stack.push(`/${e}`)
return stack.length ? stack.join('') : '/'

利用 stack 的概念,先進後出,判斷 stack 長度,並集合 stacky

台灣百岳 嘉明湖 登山 羊文學 — more than words / FunkyGary / Taiwan — Jiaming Lake



Gary Huang
Dublin so code

Self-taught in programming, currently working as a web developer and also a online course instructor, helping self-taught programmers find employment.