What traveling can do for you mentally

Morgan McLane
Traveling MMM
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2018

Traveling is a great way to improve your mental health. Your brain values recent events as more important rather than events that occurred in the past. On your trip, plan the best activities for the last few days because that’s what you will remember the most after your trip. For me traveling is my stress reliever. When i’m away from my normal day to day schedule and I have the freedom to do what I want to do and I don’t have to worry about school and my other obligations. Patrick Rothfuss once said “ A long stretch of road can teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet”. Being able to learn new cultures and go through experiences that can be important lessons to life can shape you as a person. Being able to help people in need can really show you a new perspective and how appreciative you should be of what you have. Traveling is a time when you can be your happiest self. Being able to eat any food I want and go to fun events and spending my day at the beach or waking up early to go hike and spending time with my family and friends is what makes me my happiest self. Traveling can show you what is important in life. I have a big interest of going to different countries and experiencing other cultures and foods. Doing the same routines everyday is what can make you feel bored and not enjoy life. Life isn’t all about school and working.

