#1 Why you should travel

Morgan McLane
Traveling MMM
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2018

Traveling is something everyone should try. You can learn so many things from experiencing different cultures like the way people dress or even the foods that are popular. It can also be a good way to spend quality time with your family and friends. Spending quality time with the ones you care about on the beach or staying in a cabin can be very important. It is a time where you can relax and enjoy yourself after months of working hard in school or at work.When you travel you can have amazing experiences that you can tell to your friends and family. Who doesn’t want to go swim in the crystal blue ocean or hike a mountain with beautiful scenery and feel great about yourself at the same time? Another great aspect to traveling is you can eat whatever you want and try new foods! Traveling is something you can take home, the things you enjoyed most about your vacation. If you had an amazing meal you could always learn how to make it at home. If there was an activity you enjoyed, you could always do that at home. That is an example of how traveling can make you grow as a person. If you want to be your best self, the best way to do that is to fully understand your likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses and traveling is a great way to find those qualities. I want to travel because I am so interested in learning how people around the world live such as, how they dress and what foods are popular.

