Edinburgh Castle from the steps of The Vennel.

Edinburgh: top 5 attractions



  1. Edinburgh Castle — Maybe a little cliche but the castle on the hill is the most prominent character when trying to the understand the city. There is no romantic old town or meticulously planned new town without settlers first building a safe haven high up where no one could get them. The Scottish National War Memorial is housed inside the castle and is worth a visit in its own right. Plus the views across the city to the Firth of Forth are stunning.
  2. The National Gallery / The National Portrait Gallery — Home to some important masterpieces and the temporary exhibitions are generally of high quality. And hey, why not, since they are both free.
  3. The Royal Mile/ Old Town — Trying to comprehend that this street with its closes falling away on either side was for a long time all there was of Edinburgh is a difficult task. Sure the street is packed full of tourists but just for an afternoon why not join the throng and revel in the magic of the rambling lanes and buildings.
  4. Gladstone’s Land / Georgian House — These two properties owned by The National Trust highlight the evolution of the city. Gladstone’s Land on the Royal Mile is one of the older structures still standing and shows why the wealthy decided it was time for a change. The Georgian House in Charlotte Square is the result.
  5. Bask in Princes Street Gardens — Edinburgh is dotted with enclosed and padlocked private gardens, off limits to the riffraff. Legend has it the Princes Street Gardens were once private as well, until a copy of the key got loose. When the sun shines there is no better place to catch your breathe in the gardens; amazingly the bustling noise of Princes Street is muted as you drop below street level. The west end has fantastic views of the castle.

Bonus tip: visit Edinburgh in August and see the hype of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe — the largest comedy festival on the planet.

