Diesel Quality and ULSD Availability in Nicaragua— A Field Report

Of all counties in Central America, Nicaragua has the highest content of sulfur in Diesel. ULSD is unfortunately not available.

Valentin Despa
Travelling with Valentine
2 min readNov 5, 2023


The current situation with Diesel in Nicaragua

As of September 2023, there is no ULSD in Nicaragua. Currently, in Nicaragua, there is only Low-Sulfur Diesel (LSD) at a maximum of 500 ppm. But not even all Diesel is LSD. According to the United Nations Environment Programme report [1], sulfur levels in Diesel can be as high as 5000 ppm!

So what are your options?

If you need to fill up, ensure that the Diesel is at least Diesel Bajo en Azufre, which means 500 ppm.

Your best chance of getting decent Diesel is at Uno gas stations. Fill up with Diesel con Dynamax+.

Dreaming about the future

Of all the countries in the region, Nicaragua is probably the most unlikely country in the region to adopt USLD in the near future.

Going north or south?

Check out the following field reports for these countries:


I hope this article helped you get an idea of the Diesel situation in Nicaragua. Leave a comment in the section below if you have any questions or would like to share your own experience. I would love to hear from you!

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[1] https://airqualityandmobility.org/PCFV/GlobalSulphurStatus_Progress2006-2022.pdf



Valentin Despa
Travelling with Valentine

Software developer, educator & overlander • GitLab Hero • AWS Community Builder • Postman Supernova • Imprint: http://vdespa.com/imprint