Old Bagan and Best Practices

The Travel Bug — October 2020

Amanda L. Renna
Travelnitch Outdoors


2 min readOct 19, 2020


Mommy & Me in Old Bagan

from Travelnitch Bedtime Stories

These travel shorts can be read aloud or enjoyed as an audio recording. Check out our newest Bedtime Story, written by spotlight writer Hallie Richter. “Weaving our way through Old Bagan, we left our hotel early that morning, even before the sun was awake. It was just Mommy and me…” Read More >

Tales from the Crypt

Each month we resurrect one of our favorite Medium.com articles:

I Spent Most Of Last Summer Perfecting Camping, Hiking And Crystal Digging…With A Baby

And I can’t wait to pick up where we left off. Read More >

Postcard Pals

from Learn and Play

If your kids are anything like mine, they love getting mail — and let’s be honest, if it doesn’t involve bills, so do I. That’s why we are super excited to launch Postcard Pals featuring our favorite travel pal, Trek! Learn More >

Best practices for hiking during COVID-19

It seems like the whole world suddenly woke up to the wonders of Mother Nature ever since COVID hit. Fortunately, there’s plenty of space for us all to get out there and explore. For those who may be new to the hashtag #getoutside, here are some best practices from Medium writer Prajwal Madhav—many of which we find to be useful even in a non-COVID world.

The Gift of Travel

As a nonprofit organization, Travelnitch is so grateful to fellow travelers who believe in our work. We promise to be good stewards of your generosity, now and in the future. Learn more about our programs and see how every dollar is transforming kids through travel. Read More >



Amanda L. Renna
Travelnitch Outdoors

Experienced writer, editor, and content strategist with a passion for all things travel | Founder & CEO at Travelnitch.org